A Slappy Safety tip and Warning


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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A fellow Duner and brotherhood member brought a concern to Slaps attention.

Now, imagine cruising through a wash checking out the sights, or maybe pulling in to Camp with your motorhome and stacker attached, late at night, or even during the day,


and out of nowhere, you drop into one of these:



You are done.

 this is a 5 foot wide, nearly 3 foot deep fire pit. Very dangerous.  

our fellow brotherhood member filled in five of these large pits, and said there were quite a few more, and this is from one Wash. If you’re going to dig a large fire pit to enjoy those wonderful nights by the fire, before you leave, please fill in the hole that you dug, for the safety of others.

I don't understand digging a hole for your fire pit that 20 people sit around.  Just huck the wood on the ground and toss match on it and enjoy.  And you last night pile that chit up, let her rip and burn the wood down to nothing.  

Great safety tip.

Unless it's very windy, why dig the hole. Seen enough people fall into the holes already as well. :drink:

There was a 10' wide 4' deep hole just like that between Pad 4 and Roadrnner on the dune side real close to Gecko Rd.  My son sent me a video of it while he was on his moring walk.

About three seasons ago we switched to using a fire barrel in camp.  Basically its 2/3 of a fuel drum with no top or bottom and holes cut into the side.  Very simple.  The barrel keeps the ash and embers from blowing all over and helps to direct the smoke up a little higher so more people can sit around it.  Admittedly a fire barrel can't accomidate as many people as an open pit fire but we have more than one to use. 

Kiddie tracks are a real thing as well.  There were a bunch of them on the dune side of Gecko Rd near Pad 3, Pad 4 and at Roadrunner.  My son was puling into camp a few week ago and noticed a Funco laying on it's side near Pad 3.  He jumped out to help and it turned out to be a guy that camps near us at Roadrunner.  He hit a kiddie track and fliped the Funco.  Vince was ok but the car is effed up and not driveable.  We went back to get it several days later and deliverd it to Funco.


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Those things will still sneak up and bite you when you're being careful.. 

Good reminder, Slap!!

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Just buy one of these on Amazon for $85. Wtf. no digging necessary. I made a drop-down carry system under my trailer. No mus no fus.



Still sporting my knock off Solo Stove washing machine drum fire pit.   

Good advice.. Also, the bholes that let their kids do berm tracks, also need to fill those in
