New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q


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May 2, 2021
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after many years of service, a buddy wanted to buy my original ATC 70 BBQ........Since I had another one in parts due to @matt86m building a BBQ the size of a 18foot trailer equiped with 4X4 and a winch to be able to move it 3 feet :lol:   I have been squiriling away parts for the last few seasons and TODAY with the rain and my original being gone this week decided to get it done!!!!!

Thanks to @ROBERT L for getting my front tire buffed / Thanks to Woody and Bones at OMF for the reinforcement rings....and thanks to my wife Mia for helping me assemble it today (and putting up with my 70 addiction !)

First pic is of the original #1 70Q and here is the new one being assembled!







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That is a cool idea.  
Wait till you see the matching TCU one for the Football Games! @ChEFF (miguel finished all the paint this week - Jeff and I have hatched a Tailgate plan thats going to be AWESOME!!!!!!

GO FROGS !!!!!


That is a cool idea.  
Me and @matt86m and @Stugots came up with it while enjoying some wings and beers  at

H (0) (0) T E R S  many years ago !!!! :lol:   I have used mine for at lease 4 seasons now and LOVE IT !!!!   Just roll it out of the toy hauler and fire it up!!!!! 

You can also tow it behind the :atc70:  for some added fun!


hooters matt and randy2.jpg

hooters matt and randy 3.jpg

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hooters w Matt and Randy.jpg

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In the words of Ice Cube.................................................I Gotta Say it was a Good Day !!!!!








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Those are really cool!
I have one that we can put your company Logo on the tank and use it at open houses ! :smile:   This way/ in the words of Kosmo Kramer....."You just Write it Off !!"


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I am down to 1 Grill !!!!!  My buddy Sal spotted it off of the Heavy 70's post and was at my front door loading it on his truck !!!! I am Keeping the Blue one for my Glamis 5th wheel forever !!!!   I love that thing !!!!!  I went a bit over the top on some of the billet and stuff BUT its AWESOME!!!!!

Cant wait to fire it up with some steaks and Carne asada in Glamis!!!!





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19 hours ago, Poule43 said:

I have one that we can put your company Logo on the tank and use it at open houses ! :smile:   This way/ in the words of Kosmo Kramer....."You just Write it Off !!"

What's an open house? lol...

I thought you were a realtor!  Sorry !!!
Haha, Correction "Broker"! No one that actually sells homes wastes their time at open houses, joke amongst productive agents. Those are for newbies that can't afford a BBQ! 
