mounting dirt tires on beadlocks. Tips? help?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Been trying to mount some 37" dirt tires on bead locks and I'm soooo F'n fed up.  Cannot get the 'bead' to sit in the groove.  I've done sand tires no problems, but the 37" BFG mud terrains are another animal.  I even built a jig (out of 2x2 box tubing and threaded rod) to 'squeeze' the tires so I can start the beadlock bolts, but still cannot get the bead centered to start torquing the beadlock bolts.  I'm in Nor CA so no shops want to touch bead locks.  Mights try a Reno shop when I go home next week.  My hands feel like hamburger.......

Mounted 37 km3 on a 17x9 .  
Do you have the wheel off the ground like on a bucket . So the weight of tire hangs and does not touch the ground ? I was then able to seat the tire on ring side around lip and need to use 4 longer bolts . Then put the standard ones on each side of them . And worked my way around . 


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Ain't never tried to put a beadlock on a wedding, but hell, whatever works....  Glad it's not from 8hrs later.........

My buddy blew up some beadlocks trying to mount tires on them...there just wasn't enough room for the width of the Bead on the tire on the wheel.....make sure the groove doesn't need to be deeper that the what you got...just saying...

Pretty common, specially with raceline rims,  

LIke said above, start with the tire on a bucket, i like a tall stool,  

Then you can cut up a extra bead ring into small sections,  or you will need bolts with large fender washers, 

if you have a propane heater to heat the tire that will also help, 

with heated tire, start about every 4th hole and add a bolt with a LARGE washer like a 2'' finder washer,  then when you get to the end start working the bead with a screw driver, then add a bolt and washer,  after the bead is all the way on,  have someone hold down the bead,  I have a strap and a lager ring circle with tiedowns that go under my stool 

Quickly take out all the bolts and washers, and get the ring on with 4 bolts to hold the tire down before it starts to pop back off,  

I'll try those tips. Wish it was 85 degrees to warm up the tires.   I will try the longer bolt trick.  I've mounted tractor tires, big rig tires, etc. Getting these right is a mofo....

I'll try those tips. Wish it was 85 degrees to warm up the tires.   I will try the longer bolt trick.  I've mounted tractor tires, big rig tires, etc. Getting these right is a mofo....
It is a pain, it is worth it to purchase a extra ring and cut it up so you have one bolt instead of washers, it will make it easier,   

I've had to change larger tubeless equipment tires in single digit weather before. They're super stiff in the cold. IDK if this is something you want to do but like @J Alper mentioned warming the tire helps a lot. I used to mix up a little gasoline and diesel probably 8 or 10 ounces and pour it in the unmounted tire trying to get a somewhat even distribution around one side and light it on fire and just watch to make sure it didn't get out of control.

Maybe a propane weed burner would do the trick 


Rim on a bucket. Soap. Use a dowel to tap the bead and it will slide down into the groove. 

Longer bolts + mallet to smack the tire into the correct position has been what I did when I was still willing to deal with beadlocks for Jeep stuff.

1000 thanks to everyone who chimed in on my thread.  I got all 5 mounted.  Not sure when my back will recover.   I used a bit of everyone's tricks.  Alper's trick about the cut up old beadlocks was huge.  Put a propane heater on them until they were pretty warm.   Used some good lube (murphy's tire soap).  At the end, I got to the point that I could do one in 50 minutes (not including torquing to spec, etc).  Getting the bead in the groove before setting the real beadlock on was a huge help.

Yep, I just did 37 KR2's on 6.5" wide methods... that took some patience and my back was toast

1000 thanks to everyone who chimed in on my thread.  I got all 5 mounted.  Not sure when my back will recover.   I used a bit of everyone's tricks.  Alper's trick about the cut up old beadlocks was huge.  Put a propane heater on them until they were pretty warm.   Used some good lube (murphy's tire soap).  At the end, I got to the point that I could do one in 50 minutes (not including torquing to spec, etc).  Getting the bead in the groove before setting the real beadlock on was a huge help.
Yep, I just did 37 KR2's on 6.5" wide methods... that took some patience and my back was toast
You guys put the tire on a stool/bucket?

You guys put the tire on a stool/bucket?
Yes but the 37/12.5/17 dirt tires are ultra stiff and the 6.5" wide wheel is another picnic.  Sand tires on a 12" wide wheel are cake... built this contraption to squeeze the carcass......hard to tell in the pic, but it is sitting on two retaining wall blocks with a rag to protect the rim (just a little more solid than a bucket).


Yes but the 37/12.5/17 dirt tires are ultra stiff and the 6.5" wide wheel is another picnic.  Sand tires on a 12" wide wheel are cake... built this contraption to squeeze the carcass......hard to tell in the pic, but it is sitting on two retaining wall blocks with a rag to protect the rim (just a little more solid than a bucket).

View attachment 94690
Nice tool.  Taller stool is nice...  Until it falls over.  Safety toe required, especially with that toe smasher bolted to it. :biggrin:

I timed myself doing a 40 on a 17” wheel. It was under 20 minutes start to finish. But putting a 14.50 dunesport on a 11” wheel took me and 2 guys at the tire shop about an hour. And that was after my wife and I spent an hour monkey effing it first. 
