What’s your favorite seat and harness???


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Looking to update my seats and harnesses and thought this is the best place to see what everyone’s got or even see what they want.   Post up some pictures of your guys seats or some that you want to get in the future.  What kind of seats? What brand harness? What style is the best for big sand cars? Let’s see what you got for seats! 

Been running Jettrim seats in my car for 6 years. I had cloth and they were beat. Upgraded to a slightly uses set of Jettrim vinyl seats from a Tatum I recently wrenched on. Absolutely love the seats,  even if they have TATUM stitched into the headrests. They are a little slippery compares to my old cloth seats. Figure it adds value to my dunebuggy.com car amd the colors matched perfectly. I have Simpson 3" padded and sewn together harneses. I opted not to get he sternum strap. 



Looking to update my seats and harnesses and thought this is the best place to see what everyone’s got or even see what they want.   Post up some pictures of your guys seats or some that you want to get in the future.  What kind of seats? What brand harness? What style is the best for big sand cars? Let’s see what you got for seats! 
I just upgraded to Jettrim also.

Haven't gotten to drive w/them yet (later post), but these things are like FINE furniture!!!!

New Seats.jpg

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I’m going with Jet trims with Impact harnesses. I used to have Mastercraft 3GS in my old car which I loved. Im doing the plus 2. 


Another vote for jet trim...due to the width of my car i went with their medium containment seats...and I really like my crow 2 inch belts...no rubbing on my neck. I think you can special order the lap belt in 3 inch if 2 inch is a safety concern for you...all black hardware and quick releases too. Love them 


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I've had the Dragonfire EVO harness for a couple of years now and really like the no chaffing setup


I also added a 5th point and really like this harness.


I dont know about seats but i have tried alot of different harnesses.  I once spent $600 on a single custom colored camlock Team tech harness and it was comfy but not worth the price in my opinion.  I really like the Dragon fire EVO harness for the backpack like pads.  You can easily ad the 5th point also as the latch has room for it.   Also i have cut one down the middle to separate the shoulder harness and found it didn't effect anything.  


The Crow DUCKBILL,  by far the easiest way to tighten the belt,  


If you look at the center, the belt tightens right at the center, other belts tighten about 5-6 inches away,  This is very easy to tighten up. 

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One thing that a lot of people overlook when it comes to seats is safety. They think if it's comfortable, then it's good. There's a reason why next to no race cars have suspension seats, they can compress your spine. And racers sit in race cars much longer than duners sit in dune cars. When you take a hard hit, you compress into your seat. With a suspension seat, it allows you to go further and further and compress your spine even more. Bucket seats do not allow you to go too deep. Sparco Evos will be the next seats I put in my car this off season.

Harnesses have come along ways in the past few years. The introduction of camlocks in other motorsports shifted a lot of people over but for a few years the off road industry was hesitant to get on board with them, since everyone thought dirt would get into the camlock and prevent it from working. It's been proven with many off road cars that doesn't happen as long as you blow them out and take care of them. I liked the traditional style belt, but will also be switching to impact camlock harnesses in the off season. 

Sizing comes into play. 3" width with shoulder pads seems to be what most duners use. I had the PRPs on my last car and they worked okay, but chaffed my neck. Since I will be running a HANS device, 2" without shoulder pads will be my new harness of choice, also what most racers use.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: They aren't meant to be comfortable, they are meant to be SAFE. And you can still get comfortability with safety, but think of safety first.

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I feel the shoulder harness rub on your neck,  if you have non padded harnesses that are tighten correctly they do not rub, because they do not move,,  Every car that we converted to a DuckBill latch gets them tighter than a standard latch,  and non padded harnesses that are tight - you will get less movement in the seat.  

If someone at the Buggy Roundup this weekend then you can seat in my car and feel the how easy it is to tighten the Duck Bill Latch setup,  

I run Sparco EVO's for the reasons acefuture pointed out.

I switched to corbeau fx1 pro hard shell seats a few seasons ago. I personally would never go back to a suspension seat. I like the feeling of being firmly held in place. I don't like my hips being able to wiggle around while driving. Also I believe that they are safer in the event of an accident. I'm using cam lock belts from corbeau as well. Have to keep the sand blown out of them, but I like them better as well

I don't know if I'm allowed to comment in this area but..........yes, I'm in the Junior class SXS but............I hit pretty hard once and my wife's belt caused her some pain. The stock Can Am belts / seat I'm not sure is the way to go. Since I'm learning more speed and better suspension, I have a tendency to hit things harder. I'm pretty good at preparing the hit myself but the wife, she's just along for the ride. I think this is an area I have to get right. Good TOPic. Peace

The Crow DUCKBILL,  by far the easiest way to tighten the belt,  

View attachment 88665

If you look at the center, the belt tightens right at the center, other belts tighten about 5-6 inches away,  This is very easy to tighten up. 
Gonna have to look into this. Getting the lap belts really tight is usually a pain! I have also heard about the style that you pull up instead of down. 

What most people don’t do is tighten their belts as they drive to stay snug. My next seats for my new build will be Jet Trims.

The pull to center lap is belt is the bomb!. If you have high containment eats or even if the sides of your seat come up on your hips, pulling to the center means the side of the seat is not in the way.

I ordered Simpsons with 2'' shoulder and 3'' lap. 

Seat is what fits you best. 

I bought a set of 4 Triple X seats for my new buggy.  I have had them for a year now but have not got my car done so I havent tried them out yet. the construction quality looks good. They don't have buggy specific seats on their website anymore but they do have the frames for buggy specific applications. Color and material combinations are endless, as well as some nice cnc stiched patterns. My front seats are standard size and the rears are 2" shorter to help with legroom in the back seat. I do not notice the shorter seats when I sit in them. They are local in Phoenix.

I wanted to buy Jettrim but after a dozen attempts to get someone on the phone I gave up. I wasn't going to drive to Havasu to meet with them if there wasn't going to be anyone in the shop. 

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So I guess it’s Jettrim for the win on seats huh?!?

Gonna have to look into this. Getting the lap belts really tight is usually a pain! I have also heard about the style that you pull up instead of down. 
the pull up to me are even worse than the 4'' gap threads,

The duck bill can get so tight you will lose circulation to your legs 
