We are fkin doomed


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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The level of idiocy and ineptness already displayed on social media in G… on the first day of the season …before the sun even goes down… it would be funny if it wasn’t so effin sad. 

lost dogs, lost phones, no gas and don’t know where to buy it, out of fresh water and don’t know how to get it, paddle mounted backwards and don’t know where to change it, …are these MFers for real?!? I’m all for asking questions and you have to learn at some point, but maybe do it before you spend thousands and take your family hours away on a crazy ass full moon weekend to the epicenter of hell… jeebus H man, the carnage pics from this weekend should be legendary …

I do notice most of the really dumb posts are from women.  So there's that time eternal discussion.

But the jagoffery seems to be very thick, very early.  Can't wait for the rest of the weekend 

I was gonna head out tomorrow for a day and decided against it solely based on the crap people are posting. 🙄😂

superstition still has a few old schoolers in there line up. 

Oh and don't forget the complaints for water being $1 a gallon 😂

Out at plaster city. Pulled in around 5:30. Saw two camps when I parked. One other camp started shortly after. Glad I’m not in Glamis this weekend!

Just as I was feeling a bit sad not being out there, a few friends posts made me realize that place is a zoo out there! The PoPo compound is no joke. Definitely changes happening. Damn.

Used to enjoy this weekend, now we call it Kamp Kindergarten, quit going because of this. Now we go the weekend before and after.

Been reading the same stuff and WOW.. However it will sadden me on Sunday to see all the Trash that will be left as we all know
