Its Saturday Oct 14th 2023... What is everyone up too?

I’m headed down to Birmingham to see what the new guys are doing at the IASCA World Finals and check out what the manufacturers have to offer. It’s been over 25 years since I last competed. 


Tending to the front landscaping.  We experienced severe erosion (largely my fault) this year so we had to backfill about 20% of the front yard (~7500sqft).  We seeded it and fertilized it while we were at it and the laid sod.  Also put up a few retaining walls around the giant trees because the roots were getting exposed.  We then backfilled those with a dirt/fertilizer mix and topped it with TN mulch.  Now the trees will have a source of nutrients and water and hopefully the roots won't suck away moisture from the grass.

I’m headed down to Birmingham to see what the new guys are doing at the IASCA World Finals and check out what the manufacturers have to offer. It’s been over 25 years since I last competed. 

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Badass!  My first ever system ran HiFonic amps.  Never had an issue with them.

Based on what I saw on IG, the whole game has changed.  Massive, monster subs and amps.  They make the Solo X from the early 2000s look like an early 90s Pyle Driver.

Badass!  My first ever system ran HiFonic amps.  Never had an issue with them.

Based on what I saw on IG, the whole game has changed.  Massive, monster subs and amps.  They make the Solo X from the early 2000s look like an early 90s Pyle Driver.
Things have changed immensely in the SPL game. That system there won DB Drags at the USAC finals that year. It had 12 15s and just under 500 watts (rated). It was my last year. My SQ car won multiple World Finals as an amateur. 



Or group was planning(so prepping/loading up) on going to G next weekend but after looking at the forecasted weather we may push this trip until after Halloween. Just not sure we want to hang in mid 90’s+ temps. 
Otherwise celebrating my B-Day today with a handful of friends. Then heading up to Paso Robles Sunday for a few day getaway with the wife. 
GDPer’s have a great weekend! 

Got back from a midweek trip yesterday.  Perfect weather minus some serious wind first half of Thursday.  Didn't touch the big bikes.  Just ran the wheelers.  Did some coin collecting at the tracks.   Always wanted to do that.  Took 20 years.






Going to see some family today then have to pack up and fly out to Green Bay for the week at a customer event. 

Finish up a little work on the rail then reinstall seats and side panels. Ready for next trip in 3 weeks. 

so far my day has been Grocery shopping and laundry and putting a few things in the moho and changed fuel filter on Moho and Put a few things in my sons toyhauler and fixed the door stop on it. washed my car. Rounded up more parts for the 70 and still got to make a list of things to do before Vets weekend

Spent the morning getting the rhino ready to sell.

Finished the afternoon washing the salt off the sailboat sails from spending last weekend in rocky point. Also mowed the lawn. 

As always everything takes longer than I had hoped. Need to shower and start thinking dinner. Wife probably roped me into help picking up groceries.


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Worked on the new SXS. Took out the windshield and rearranged the bed to better fit the spare tire. 
tonight is a fund raiser that includes a steak dinner and BINGO!!!! 😂 
