

Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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Been in business for 31 years. The turnover rate has been huge lately. Our work is a young mans sport. The young men we hire are absolutely clueless. Doesn't our present day education teach reading writing and arithmetic anymore? Paperwork is your paycheck. How do you expect to get paid well if you don't know how to spell your own name? Peace

We live in a mobile device world, if it isn't on an AP of a Smart Phone....they have no clue.

oh...and you must have emojis so the younger folks can communicate.


They're getting educated by Da chEFF! Peace

Same where I work, people dont get it

I've got 4 kids under the age of 22. Someones gotta educate them. Looks like it's Da chEFF! Peace

I have three youngins working for me, One is just 18 he is a sponge head.  If he doesn't figure out a tape measure soon his days of dropping fry's back in the fryer will be returning to his career path.

Second one is just 21 has the personality of a pet fish, communicates with grunts and groans more than words and is a total follower. Doesn't volunteer to help out has to be asked.

Third is 24. Teach him something and he understands or ask's good questions, wants to learn the trade and can communicate like an adult.  However he is slow at everything he does and has no interest in moving any quicker than his current speed.  I told him he moves slow enough that if this job doesn't work out he can drive Miss Daisy.  

How does someone that never worked a job their entire young  life and get out of school with gender studies degree and maybe a masters in woman's studies - make it in the real world?  Especially if the majority of their social interactions is "chat" Tik Tok and maybe gaming ...and everything they do is "ordering services"  Uber, Grub hub, Instacart, Amazon ...

Then take an uneducated kid from another country that had to do everything to survive, bring him/her here and they are sponge - they want to learn everything, do everything with their hands, and have the hunger to live the American dream .. its not every one, but its way more than our home grown generation. 

I don’t totally agree, I just hired a 17 year old girl that is close to the family. She’s working beside me in the construction field of heavy equipment as a laborer and she’s kicking butt. She’s working for me during the day and doing her schooling at night as a senior in high school. The early mornings are a little rough for her but I’m proud of her none the less. 

BONES.....Good for you. What you do for her now will be a huge deal for her in the future. My youngest daughter always calls (text) me about how thankful she is for her upbringing. She's confident / strong / hard worker and can handle her own in ANY environment. I thought I was a little too hard on her. Shoot......she went from a Yamaha 80 4-wheeler to a YFZ450R. No in between. My philosophy know how to Dune. Time to follow Dad in the Big Boys. Scared the Shoot out of her the first beverage stop above China Wall. Ever since then, she's a stud! MWB....I've got a one speed guy and it's going to make me go bald watching him work. Somethings gotta give. We'll see. Call this our Build Thread! Peace 

Been in business for 31 years. The turnover rate has been huge lately. Our work is a young mans sport. The young men we hire are absolutely clueless. Doesn't our present day education teach reading writing and arithmetic anymore? Paperwork is your paycheck. How do you expect to get paid well if you don't know how to spell your own name? Peace

Speaking of youth we hired......they have since quit their jobs. One guy didn't even tell us. At least one of the guys came in and said goodbye. Amazing! Peace

100% blame the parents.  Parents that don't teach and give kids responsibilities at home are the problem.  The other problem is Parents that put sports in front of everything else, the generation of club sports is a detriment to growing up.  Education is more than school, teach your kids how to do their laundry, mow the lawn, freakin wash a car, and so forth.  Instead these same parents drive their kids all over the country to play club soccer thinking a college scholarship is on the horizon.  All while they stay in hotels, eat greasy burgers, and play on their phones when not playing.  The only thing they are learning is why grow up, my parents will take care of me.  Sorry my rant for the day................

100% blame the parents.  Parents that don't teach and give kids responsibilities at home are the problem.  The other problem is Parents that put sports in front of everything else, the generation of club sports is a detriment to growing up.  Education is more than school, teach your kids how to do their laundry, mow the lawn, freakin wash a car, and so forth.  Instead these same parents drive their kids all over the country to play club soccer thinking a college scholarship is on the horizon.  All while they stay in hotels, eat greasy burgers, and play on their phones when not playing.  The only thing they are learning is why grow up, my parents will take care of me.  Sorry my rant for the day................
My oldest is 30, moved out at 17 because I was to hard on him, bought a house at 25 and has never looked back. My wife and I ran into one of his friends that he played ball with as a teenager and he told us he wished his parents had taught him to work and exposed him to more than just baseball when he was growing up. He was having a hard time getting established because he didn't know much more than how to make a greasy burger. I ran into him again last year and he has finally found his footing and is doing very well.

My oldest is 30, moved out at 17 because I was to hard on him, bought a house at 25 and has never looked back. My wife and I ran into one of his friends that he played ball with as a teenager and he told us he wished his parents had taught him to work and exposed him to more than just baseball when he was growing up. He was having a hard time getting established because he didn't know much more than how to make a greasy burger. I ran into him again last year and he has finally found his footing and is doing very well.
Exactly, don't get me wrong my boys both played baseball and some travel ball.  All played varsity in High School as well.  What I watched was parents OVER supporting their kids with this idea that they need a scholarship for college, this is all they talked about.  I took the approach that they needed an education, the scholarship was never the goal.  Education can be anything, not just college.  These parents paid thousands on camps, private coaches, and travel ball.  These parents needed to see the reality, the only way these kids were going to get money for college was to move to the midwest, even then it would be partial financial help.  I never missed a family trip to Glamis because one kid had a travel ball game, each boy always choose the family.  No team ever kicked them off either.

Fast forward, I have seen this with three kids that did get some scholarship money and played college sports..............guess what, when they graduated, they are years behind the other graduates.  The other graduates were working, doing internships, and running their lives. The student athlete did nothing but play the sport and get a degree.  Not much to put on a resume.  

My point, and a bit off tangent, parents need to teach their kids to be responsible, teach them self reliance.  Parents are to blame, and these same parents blame the schools for shutting down wood shop.  Stop blaming the schools, it is all on the parents!!!

*of course the .001% that do have a chance of making a living off a sport, none of the above applies.

I just hired on an 18 year old.  So far so good.  Luckily he's a desert kid so has a lot of experience with general stuff.

My 14yo daughter is pissed right now she cant get her work permit and get a local job.  Wife doesn't want to drive her back and forth.  But she's probably gong to start a babysitting routine with the neighbors 2 young kids.

Its not just the kids.  I hired an older gentleman and he is lazier than a MF!!  Super sensitive, slow as f*ck at anything he does. Will go to HR for another co worker farting.

Plus with the pandemic everyone wants to know what the hybrid options are for work, none MF'er we work with our hands!!  Stay home and play house dad if you have a pu$$y.

The whole world is a joke!

Been in business for 31 years. The turnover rate has been huge lately. Our work is a young mans sport. The young men we hire are absolutely clueless. Doesn't our present day education teach reading writing and arithmetic anymore? Paperwork is your paycheck. How do you expect to get paid well if you don't know how to spell your own name? Peace
just check your own spelling before you bust someone elses chops

Exactly, don't get me wrong my boys both played baseball and some travel ball.  All played varsity in High School as well.  What I watched was parents OVER supporting their kids with this idea that they need a scholarship for college, this is all they talked about.  I took the approach that they needed an education, the scholarship was never the goal.  Education can be anything, not just college.  These parents paid thousands on camps, private coaches, and travel ball.  These parents needed to see the reality, the only way these kids were going to get money for college was to move to the midwest, even then it would be partial financial help.  I never missed a family trip to Glamis because one kid had a travel ball game, each boy always choose the family.  No team ever kicked them off either.

Fast forward, I have seen this with three kids that did get some scholarship money and played college sports..............guess what, when they graduated, they are years behind the other graduates.  The other graduates were working, doing internships, and running their lives. The student athlete did nothing but play the sport and get a degree.  Not much to put on a resume.  

My point, and a bit off tangent, parents need to teach their kids to be responsible, teach them self reliance.  Parents are to blame, and these same parents blame the schools for shutting down wood shop.  Stop blaming the schools, it is all on the parents!!!

*of course the .001% that do have a chance of making a living off a sport, none of the above applies.

What you are talking about has absolutely zero to do with sports.  Bad analogy,  Its actually quiet the opposite.
