Good source for Automotive relays?


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Getting ready to wire up a car and need to add a bunch or relays for components (fuel pump, fans, etc). Where is the best pace to get decent quality relays, that I can get pretty quick? I see a bunch on amazon of course but figure most of those are junk. Anyone have a good source?

Omron makes a pretty good quality relay. Their made in the USA stuff was excellent but almost impossible to find now. I think all manufacturing went overseas. It's still a good product. 

I have had good luck with Flosser brand. I got the last ones off amazon.

What would be the 87a spade on the Flosser is a second 87, handy for some applications.

Getting ready to wire up a car and need to add a bunch or relays for components (fuel pump, fans, etc). Where is the best pace to get decent quality relays, that I can get pretty quick? I see a bunch on amazon of course but figure most of those are junk. Anyone have a good source?
Whats the quantity and your location

What would be the 87a spade on the Flosser is a second 87, handy for some applications.
normally on a relay 30 is power 87a is normally closed and 87 is the lead that is powered when the relay is activated     

normally on a relay 30 is power 87a is normally closed and 87 is the lead that is powered when the relay is activated     
I get that. On the 30 amp Flosser the spade that is 87a in your illustration is also powered when the relay is activated.

I get that. On the 30 amp Flosser the spade that is 87a in your illustration is also powered when the relay is activated.
that is weird that could cause problems if someone used one in the place of a standard 5 pin relay. as far as i know that diagram was the industry standard for all 5 pin relays 

I bought these last year and was happy with the quality.


I remember hearing Bosch is the best you can get. Just thought I'd bring that up. 
