WTH happened to Justin Bieber??


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Could this be a side effect from being vaccinated. Interesting and troubling to note that his wife who’s only 25 years old also suffered a mini stroke a short time back. What’s going on here?!!! 

Dgaf. Probably got his eye poked out at an epstein child rape party

Punched out after popping off before his bodyguard stepped in to save the day?

i saw it on facebook, he has ramsay hunt syndrome


Yep, plenty of hit pieces out there, this dude is one of the top annoyances of big pharma and our captured government organizations. 

Here is a Pfizer disclosure for adverse events. Looks like they have a special sections for facial paralysis (and stroke) as they are so common. But whelp, I guess the Biebs and Mrs. are just really unlucky, no coincidence, nothing to see here. 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (phmpt.org)

I recommend taking a peek at the last 9 pages in the Appendix- that is where they disclose anything that they want to be legally protected from. If they don't disclose, they aren't exempt. Apparently they disclosed about 1200 side effects.

Safe and Effective. Safe and effective....safe and effective...


Well here’s another Red Flag. So along with the 40% increase in deaths in 2021, there were also 300% increases in cancers, Bell’s palsy (Which The beeber has a form of) along with a host of other adverse side effects including heart attacks and heart issues like myocarditis. I believe things are starting to unravel and we are in for a bumpy dark road ahead of us.


And for the record, this type of news doesn’t make me happy. I have many family members and friends that are vaccinated and I fear for them. I never judged them and respected their decision on this matter. But,  My heart goes out to all those that took this experimental jab and that may suffer the consequences. Have family and friends that are coming down with a variety of things. Some older some younger and that’s what’s so concerning. And they want to put it into our children?!!!

Not discrediting your findings, but I remember when they were pushing for the vaccine, you couldn’t find a straight answer anywhere to tell you how many people actually died of Covid and not something else. As you didn’t judge your family I won’t be judging you. Whether or not these numbers are correct, I choose to not live my life in fear. In fact, I believe in Gods will. Not preaching here and no judgement to anyone that doesn’t believe. For my beliefs, it’s easy to not worry about these things. The sooner he takes me home and away from this horrid world we live in, the better.

 I believe in Gods will. Not preaching here and no judgement to anyone that doesn’t believe. For my beliefs, it’s easy to not worry about these things. The sooner he takes me home and away from this horrid world we live in, the better.

I'm with you Big Daddy JP! Preaching? Nah. The "ONLY" way into Heaven and Eternal Life is thru Jesus Christ! Peace 

There are no straight answers or simple paths because Man is flawed.

You know why women have such a hard times choosing where to eat? because the first time they did, they doomed all of humanity  :lol:

I'm a Christian, far far far from judging others, i'm as flawed as they come.

Live your life, stand  by your beliefs and do what you feel is right for your family.

COVID-19 is beyond what could be understood, only because all sides of it have their own agendas and flawed logic / belief systems / personal experiences that will impact their decisions. 
