Where you find 70s now?


May 6, 2021
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I want to get my kid a 70 in the next year but they seem to be non existent unless you want to spend $3k. I would like to build it myself but there are none coming up on CL locally in FL. Where you guys find fixer uppers? 

70 market, like so many other items, is completely Challenged.  $2k seems to be the going rate for a running bike.  It doesn't helped that so many have chopped them up nd/or "customized" them.  So now you have people trying to get their money back on a lot of cosmetics.  Those are the $3k ones.

Word of mouth helps a lot.  You know there's still nice 70s sitting in garages all over the country.  People would gladly sell "that old thing" for a few hundred bucks.

Check OfferUp, Craigslist or Facebook marketplace in surrounding areas to you.

My wife and I love our 70s.  Ride the Crap out of them on trails and Glamis.20200724_203250.jpg

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Maybe just putting up WTB in various places will find something. Thanks. 

I can see hoarding TP and gas, well maybe not, but certainly not 70s!

I can see hoarding TP and gas, well maybe not, but certainly not 70s!
AWESOME......Have fun sitting in your room with a mountain of toilet paper and jugs of fuel.....THAT sounds like a real blast.......... The "Honda Hoarder" crew will build some cool bikes / have a few beers and tear up the camps with the coolest 3 wheelers known to mankind.

If you need a 70 to build with your kid.....I will be getting rid of some over next few months.......I can box up a powdercoated frame / tank / forks / wheels / tires / hubs / seat / plastics ....take it to fastaneal and ship it to Florida for around $300 bucks in shipping


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Nah, I would have probably 3 IF I could find them. The hard part is convincing The wife I need them. She’s not fond of my motorcycle habit haha

Offer Up and CL are good places to look, start there.

Prices are crazy right now and have been for awhile. Like a few have said, there are always folks who just want to get rid of them from sitting in there yard or garage for the last 20 years :lol:

The great thing is the network of parts, etc these days is the best its ever been.
