Warrior clutch


Active member
May 9, 2021
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I just did the 1st oil change on my "new" Warrior.  I found coffee grounds in the filter housing...there were also bigger chunks in there.  I assume that it was clutch pieces.

On the last or 2nd to last ride, last trip, 3-5 times it did something "Funny."  It was like the chain was jumping.  I was under load, climbing and not on top of the sand, but digging in....so the load was high.

I am leaving in 3 days for duh dunes and am going to order a clutch from Rocky Mtn Atv and maybe It will be here in time.   I see that they have Tusk clutches and Amazon has no.name stuff for cheaper.  Any possibility that I need more than just normal clutch stuff?

What kind of clutch do you like?

Can changing a clutch be done at the dunes?  

make sure you get any gaskets you may need also for anything that has to come off.

should be ok with plain hand tools but might watch a video or 2 to make sure you have everything you need. i'd do clutch springs also.

Stock bike? Stock clutch is fine. I would replace fibers and steel plates as well as springs. Gaskets and engine oil will be needed. Make sure to soak the new fibers in engine oil for an hour or so before installing. Easy job to do at the dunes but easier in your garage😁

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Had Warriors for years and my 88 has only been through 1 clutch and now it is a ranch quad (cams, piston, pipe, carb, sprocket)

As long as there is no metal on the drain plug, run it.  

To make yourself feel bettter, run it for another hour and pull the oil filter.  

Warriors do not go through clutches, they are bullet proof.

Had Warriors for years and my 88 has only been through 1 clutch and now it is a ranch quad (cams, piston, pipe, carb, sprocket)

As long as there is no metal on the drain plug, run it.  

To make yourself feel bettter, run it for another hour and pull the oil filter.  

Warriors do not go through clutches, they are bullet proof.
back in about 1990-91 i had a brand new banshee. my 2 buddies had warriors. i saw one run down at the river for 2 weekends with no pipe, lol. they put those damn things thru hell you just couldn't break them.

I called Rocky Mtn this am....They say that my parts will be here on Wednesday.  I ordered a Tusk stock clutch and a gasket.  I plan on leaving on Weds for Bttrcp.

I screwed up.  I just looked at the website.  Free shipping over 75 buckeroos.  My total was 58...65 w/shipping.  I need grips.  I coulda easily got my order over $75 and gotten free shipping.  OHhhhh welll...

Get a milk crate, lean it on it's side and pull the foot peg but do it before you drive out there. It is going to be a dust bowl and an open engine should only be found in semi clean locations.  You will need the gasket for sure or it will leak, but you might just get lucky.

One thing that can happen is if one of the basket fingers is broken in which in your case it's game over for the weekend, but is a simple fix, You just need a new basket.  Also If you don't find either blue steel metal plates or completely worn down fiber plates, you could have transmission problems.

As far as time in the oil for the new plates,  If you cover them in oil ( old tupperware container works great) before you start, by the time you are ready to install they will be good to go.

Always have a tube of YamaLube, I put that Chit on Everything!

Thanks for the input. 

Back to the free shipping....I need a seat cover.  I've already looked at them.  That woulda put me over the $75.

Here I am whinning about paying an extra 7 bucks.

Didn't watch the video but if I recall correctly (did a clutch on my BIL warrior 20 years ago) you will need a decent impact to get the clutch basket nut off.

The jumping chain symptom doesn't sound like any worn clutch I've had so let us know what you find. I assume you've inspected the chain and sprockets already just by that comment. 

This trip it didn't seem to have any problem w/the jumping.   The part was sitting on my front porch at 10:22, on our departure day, so it went w/us.  The clutch doesn't seem to fully release when you try to start it in gear.  

This trip, at the end, it developed a click.  It sounds like a lifter got sloppy....real sloppy.

I released the ride to my 21 yoa daughter and she handled it just fine.  She was on a 250 Recon.  A big dif in power and suspension.   She hasn't fully committed to riding it flat out, but she can make it run.

I am going to turn it over to my mech.  I have a Rhino differential brace to install AND, I better get that done before New Years.
