The March DOTM is?


May 2, 2021
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Congratulations to these men for DOTM. @Grease Monkey @Greengo and @Mac
 @Grease Monkey @Greengo @Mac These guys pitched in and pulled more than their weight to help host the inaugural Glamis Veterans Camp. We hosted ~30 people in the dunes with rental RVs, SxS, full meals, etc. and camaraderie around the campfire. These veterans and their families were new to the dunes and off-roading and we pulled it off with a full day of riding on Saturday... nothing broken, nobody hurt, and smiles for days. A lot of lessons learned and already planning the events for next season but this simply would not have been possible without these guys.

We've all brought out a newbie to the dunes. It's fun to see the smiles and hear the wows. 

Do this with 6 families, organized and staged rvs, sxs's, dune runs, meals and the camp fires and it's a whole new experience. 

Grateful and blessed to have been a part of it and support Glamis Veterans and their outreach programs. 

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Fantastic, it is so nice having these folks out representing mother Glamis. Well done. A title well deserved. Throw Slappy a PM with your address, and your Duner of the month stickers will be on the way👊🇺🇸👍
