Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

Wow, clinic put on for sure. Even if Barcia hadn't gone down, Tomac was gapping him. 16 second lead at one point, WOW! 

I hope he keeps this momentum going! 

Just think, the outdoors are coming up where he's really fast! Should be interesting!

250's, bummer for CC, but glad he got back past Mosiman. Congrats to Hunter, rode great. 
CC is in a league of his own this year.

What is everyones opinions on Christian Craig rumored to make his 450 jump with the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna team? Not a lot of seats in the 450 class especially with Cooper and Nichols moving up to the 450's as well this upcoming year. Would he fare well with Malcolm Stewart and that team or would he flop in 450 class?


time for him to he is so old to still be in the 250 class, make or break time 2023

Oh boy...

I hope Tomac kicks it in to Ludicrous speed and kicks his butt!


Anyone listening to qualifying? Chad reed in the booth. Theyre talking about how newer riders dont keep a finger on the clutch. I walk in and out of the room so might have missed the reasoning. Im guessing its because back in the 2 stroke days they were feathering the clutch out of every turn? From what i gathered its less common with the 4 stroke guys. They often talk about how Tomac uses the clutch out of every turn. I think thats why everyone says his bike is so loud. His revs are pinned but the acceleration is controlled by the clutch. 

Reed let it slip that Tomac is SX only next year.

Can tell the announcers heard the same thing they just have to be more reserved in what they say to keep their jobs. 
