Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

Some good racing this weekend.  Can't wait to watch it in person in San Diego this weekend. 

Hoping Anderson n and Barcia keep it up.

San Diego SX this weekend. Who's going to take charge of this series? Too early to predict? Peace

San Diego SX this weekend. Who's going to take charge of this series? Too early to predict? Peace
Someone in the Top 20 will win this weekend!



Yes, I am that good on predictions!

It's a gift.


On this issue stank seems a bit off. He thinks the pulp show called him fat. But i watched the entire show and they never said that. They did say he struggles to clear the jumps in practice. I suppose in terms of sponsors and popularity riding a 2 stroke gets you attention.

I see it more as being kind of lame. The showoff approach. Riding a 2 stroke is super fun. But riding a 2stroke in pro supercross knowing the bike will never be competitive is dumb to me. Because the intent is not to win, but to be seen. Hey look at me, Eff yeah, im the wild 2stoke guy. Come see me in the pits and mention me on social media cause youre wild and crazy too for liking me. To me thats similar to the guy who puts on his metal mulisha t shirt but never actually rode a bike. Just likes to pretend and associate with the image of being hardcore. 

I prefer watching the racers battle for positions. My heart gets pumping when someone makes a pass. I could be wrong, but i dont think stanks bike is able to make many passes. He made the main event and got last place. Thats not exiting to watch. Theyre making a big deal about the sound of a 2stroke. Thats pretty lame too. Because if youre into the sport you hear 2 strokes all the time. 

Now if they allowed racers to run a higher displacement 2 stroke and stank was up there battling with the lead guys that would be pretty sweet to watch and also hear the sounds. The current version is more a gimmick. Theyre trying to sell you items by using a long hair wild dude on a 2 stroke. To be fair thats my opinion of barely knowing anything about the topic. Is he the same dude that was riding the 125 in motocross? Because if so, that guy seemed cool. You can make up time with heart and drive in the outdoors. With SX it seems like the machine and setup matters big time. Entering a 2 stroke means you have no intention to win. So whats the intention? Its not about riding the bike. Its about creating an image to sell you goods. 

I think they should allow a 250 2-stroke to race with the 250 4-strokes. Much stronger displacement to compete. Like your thinking Chop. Peace

Military appreciation graphics. Jump to 6:35 and wait for the bearded guy to talk. Might make your eyeballs leak a little bit.

Just made the wife's picks. She's ready to make a run to the TOP! Peace

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  • Night Show 


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  • Peace
They should allow 310cc 2 strokes to race against the 4 strokes.... or just bring back the 125 strokers...killer bees on the line!
