Super Tuesday is here vote like your future depends on it!


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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I don’t follow sports.. I don’t follow racing.. Truth be told I don’t care about much outside of my family my country / values (which I view to be one and the same) I care about my friends, I care about my business.. and honestly that would probably be an appropriate order.

Tomorrow we find out if my kids are potential drafts for WW3.. Tomorrow we find out if inflation turns into hyperinflation.. Which pretty much would ensure the kids getting drafted.

Tomorrow we find out if the Criminals stay in charge.. weirdly the tag line says “we are voting for a felon?”

All of Hillary’s staff smashed all their devices with hammers and the ones they didn’t they brought in experts to “bleach bit” to make sure they were unrecoverable.

A former president and a husband of a running candidate met the head of the DOJ (Loretta Lynch) on the tarmac on a private plane for close to an hour.. during that same time period. Of course they were talking about the weather.

The Clinton’s raised billions for Haiti.. built I think 3 houses.

The Bidens raised Billions for EV’s. To date like seven electric charger built.

I can go on and on.. from the Clintons literally stealing the white house furniture, to raiding the DNC.

From Bernie being the nominee?? To Hillary being inserted. (Rigging elections? A judge said it was legal in case you didn’t know.. THEN WHAT IS THE POINT IF A PRIMARY?)

Moving forward to this years where everyone said “Joe is fine” to a single debate where they all said he isn’t..

They INSERTED Kamala again without a single vote? She didn’t get a SINGLE vote in her original primaries against Joe Biden.. yet we are to believe she is running neck and neck with a guy that pulled more votes than Obama?

We haven’t seen our president since the debate with DJT. Not one of these people has asked to invoke the 25th.

Hush money? Didn’t Bill Clinton do the same? What about A recent favorite JFK?? (Who I believe I’m related too distantly). Marylin Monroe? She didn’t get paid she just got killed for her roll.. and honestly so did he.

Stop all foreign aid, stop reckless government spending. PAY OFF THE DEFICIT!! STOP ALL SPECIAL INTEREST!

America First!! Citizens only. If you disagree with that go travel and see what kind of rights you have anywhere else.


Dave Johnson aka RiverDave.

I’m Not even getting into 20 million non citizens.. countries literally emptying their prisons and sending them here.

If Trump loses you better start figuring out how to live and succeed in a 3rd world / globalist society. Most everyone here is fucked.

The Draft being instituted is a very real possibility. People with kids or grandkids should think about it. Scary and sad at the same time.
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thanks RD, very well put.

Get out & do it folks.
Regardless of this election, America deserves better. Yet, without a significant event to bring our country together, this will continue to get worse.
A little humor to balance the heaviness

Talked to a friend I haven't seen in decades. Former Ranger, now BP Agent. Dude's been absolutely fucked by the D party. Guys in CBP are refusing to do anything because morale is so low. "What's the point?" sums it up perfectly.
Talked to a friend I haven't seen in decades. Former Ranger, now BP Agent. Dude's been absolutely fucked by the D party. Guys in CBP are refusing to do anything because morale is so low. "What's the point?" sums it up perfectly.
I do feel for CBP. You work, you train, you get the job...then get told to do nothing or go against your values to get a paycheck.

What are their choices? They either quit...go to school, OJT...start at the bottom again... or... they simply collect a paycheck for doing nothing.
It's already being reported here in Lake Havasu that the polling places are only handing out "provisional" ballots. Provisional ballots are only used "if" the voter's eligibility is questioned.

democrats at work already.
Scary effing times right now @RiverDave ..
I'm headed out to go VOTE!

I'm convinced there will never be another legit election after 2020. however, if DJT happens to get in they will do everything like they have done in the past 4 years to get rid of him. Liberals will burn everything down around them!
If the Word Salad connoisseur get's in We are so doomed as a country!
It boggles my mind.
A buddy of mine was talking about another state how some law was passed in another state and he said with no votes and no one got to vote on it...I said like they did with Kamala???
His eyes got real big and it made him think...yes he's voting for her! But I said no one got to vote in a primary and choose or have the option to choose!
He then tried to back peddle and think of why it was done and stumbled around some jargon and blah blah blah!
Unreal we are at this stage!
It's already being reported here in Lake Havasu that the polling places are only handing out "provisional" ballots. Provisional ballots are only used "if" the voter's eligibility is questioned.

democrats at work already.

I voted the day after I received my ballot. It was counted the next day.

What's the point in waiting???

If they are going cheat, they can do it whenever they want to.
Remember when you're parents would say...

SS is gonna run out! The world is gonna end if soNso gets elected!

Well? We have officially become our parents! 🤣
But back then NOBODY even dreamed of importing 100,000,000 NEW immigrants to the US...that is exactly what Harris will do... Mass Amnesty, then chain migration...the whole family comes..... guess what in 2 yrs we are Puerto Rico.....One party rule and no money......
But back then NOBODY even dreamed of importing 100,000,000 NEW immigrants to the US...that is exactly what Harris will do... Mass Amnesty, then chain migration...the whole family comes..... guess what in 2 yrs we are Puerto Rico.....One party rule and no money......
There's plenty to poke at things these people did. No need to pontificate on what they might do.

For example, the left is printing articles like this bullshit:

Chicken Little gets old.
@Rockwood but people believe that sheet......... the stuff I hear from my kids friends makes me cringe........ STUPID stuff.......
But back then NOBODY even dreamed of importing 100,000,000 NEW immigrants to the US...that is exactly what Harris will do... Mass Amnesty, then chain migration...the whole family comes..... guess what in 2 yrs we are Puerto Rico.....One party rule and no money......

Back then they called em "wetbacks".

I think the polite term was "farm worker".

And they were all getting paid cash under the table. My grandfather had a whole family of em helping him with his ranch when I was a kid.

Same shit, different day. 😜