So what’s the dune report for the Halloween weekend ?


Forum Moderator
Apr 30, 2021
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Need a fix. It seems there are less threads with current events, duning, jumping, racing then before. 

post some pics and stories please

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Everyone seems to post on FB or other social media.    From what little I have seen it was very busy out there.  Waiting to get a report from a friend that was there. 

Haven't seen a lot - maybe cell service sucks and everyone will upload on Monday????

packed. never seen that many people on gecko just bailing off the side of the road and setting up camp where ever the eff they got stuck. Lots of EZ up/tenters just parking in the middle of the "sand highway" that parallels either side of gecko. Most of these people look like they missed the turn to the washes and brought that wash life to gecko. All the pads were packed like normal but seems like people just dropping in anywhere off gecko rd on either side and setting up shop. 

Glad we bailed yesterday. I bet its a cluster eff going home. And the line at the ranger station for the air compressor is probably a mile long seeing how the only way most of the people getting back up onto gecko will 100% have to air down all their shizz. 

I'm glad folks are camping on gecko, other then a pad and on sand.

Looking forward to what members want to share...morning after threads were always my favorite ❤ 
Glad people are camping off gecko in the middle of a highly traveled road? Weird. But I understand you don't glamis much anymore so maybe yore confused on where they're parking (getting stuck) and setting up camp :cheers:  

Read Saturday evening on IG that AMR was in route for at stabbing in Glamis, and then Reach Airship was in route to Glamis as there was a shooting. 

No more info on either incident, or if they were related? But that’s not a good way to start the season.  

Glad people are camping off gecko in the middle of a highly traveled road? Weird. But I understand you don't glamis much anymore so maybe yore confused on where they're parking (getting stuck) and setting up camp :cheers:  
No confusion here. Did some fellow duners ruin your beachfront property at RRE this weekend by actually camping in the sand? Boo-hoo.

"Sand Highway" all along Gecko is wasted space that could be better suited as camping area for the folks that are not afraid to go off the pavement.


No confusion here. Did some fellow duners ruin your beachfront property at RRE this weekend by actually camping in the sand? Boo-hoo.

"Sand Highway" all along Gecko is wasted space that could be better suited as camping area for the folks that are not afraid to go off the pavement.

Road runner was perfect, thanks for asking. Enjoy glamis from yore keyboard bud :cheers:  

Glamis hasn't changed since the 80s, just the toys people are having fun with have changed mostly. 

The majority of folks...aka Duners are good people. With Social media, we just hear about more of the drama, then in the past.

There has always been those inconsiderate pricks that feel entitled ...

It was a blast! Burned a lot of fuel this weekend. Dunes were in great shape. We camped in Gordon’s so it was much more mellow, but we duned from test hill to the ledge and everything in between. It was really really busy out there. Weather was warm, but nice in the shade. Had a super bitchin weekend. Back out in 10 days!



SH!T SHOW!!!! Everything from people getting killed because of no seat belts to a shooting and a stabbing. No shortage of idiots driving thru camps, trash everywhere.

Other than that, had a great time with my group. Stayed away from the masses and all the destinations. Got most of our dunning in before Thursday.

Pics to follow

I have a Marine buddy that I’ve been trying to get out to the Veterans Day ceremony and Marine Corps birthday shindig for the past ten years. He hasn’t been to Glamis since the 90’s. He says there is too much Chlamydia in the air to risk it.

Sounds like the days of yore have reared their ugly head again.

It was crazy busy! Washes were dust bowls. The dunes were in good shape and it wasn't too crowded in the dunes as long as you stayed away from Olds. Crazy how many side by sides are out there.

View attachment 17503
Please Don’t tell me you were expecting to see nothing but ATC 200x’s, 250R’s and 350X’s out there. Please remember this is not the 80’s or the 90’s or 2000’s or the 2010’s. It is 2021 almost 2022…. And it looks like it’s all going to be Robby Gordon long travel futuristic side-by-side country. I’m looking very forward to see what the next few years brings out from the manufactures.
