Seems like I got a brake issue

Lol, just got this trailer used. We knew we had an issue once we got it home. The master cylinder was dry, we bled and did not see a leak. Well a 15 mile trip we were out of fluid. We also knew the trailer abs light was on, that was a bad wheel sensor on the wheel with this shoe. On a good note bearings and seals looked good. Putting new brakes and cylinders at every wheel as well as a master, and abs parts as needed.

Trailers with surge brakes have master cylinders but I have yet to see ABS or a light that turns on, Where?

super cool.  any idea where the ABS box is & what it uses to determine when to unlock?

super cool.  any idea where the ABS box is & what it uses to determine when to unlock?
THe abs module is above generator, n of the wheel sensors was touching the reluctor ring and destroyed both. 

the joys of buying used stuff, this one is a 2006 with a 450hp Mercedes. we have a new toter on order due to arrive summer 2023. I have chassis vin but it’s not built as of yet. The new one will have a 600 hp Detroit and a twin screw rear end 
