
Well you did put more miles on vehicles than I did. 71 total miles for a week in the dunes
Polaris 900 steering rack ordered ball joints have shown up.

Polaris Turbo S. Mostly apart. New axle on the way. Front arms still waiting on finding some and New front left shock waiting to find. The fab guy said he will Gusset some areas and weld washers on the arm mounts for 100 bucks. Thats the cheapest part.

YXZ back on the dirt tires and sand tires up in the rafters of the Garage till Next time or if my sons friend finally comes and buys it.

Mama G in Feb is the Next scheduled trip "hopefully"
On a Personal note going into this 2024/2025 season marks 50 years for me going to Mama G. With Tears in my eyes on Saturday morning driving home to drop off that RZR I thought wow 50 years and it ends this way. Well I don't know how but hopefully we will be back in Feb. I didn't know last year how or what was going to happen after breaking my collerbone and made it back.Cheff told me last night take care of YOU and everything will be fine. Well thats just NOT who I am I will help anyone the Best I can always and that won't change. So I look forward to seeing the pics hearing the stories for the Next few months till I can be there again. Cheers to Feb..
What happened to going for New Year’s
I'm out for New Years.. Too much $$$ going out to fix Vets weekend and pay for the extra fuel for the extra trip home on Saturday so IF and its a BIG IF I can swing a few hours out there on New years eve with Y'all it will be after work in my little commuter car.

My season ended on Vets weekend once again just a day later than last year.
RZR front steering rack showed up Monday. Hmmm I guess they are waiting for me to go put it in..

Turbo S front axle showed up today.
One car all the parts are here just need to fix it the other one part of many has shown up. That one has a longer road ahead