Oh S*!*

Russ Stover

1 day ago

This is Russ, as I sat in the hospital for a couple days, I replayed everything in my head hundreds of times, things that I should have noticed as a warning, and what I could have done differently. I’ve seen lots of comments so I’ll address a few of them, not being defensive at all. In a normal car throttle sticking at 2200 RPM’s is not the end of the world, in my car that’s 900 ft/lbs of torque. I should have realized the load that was putting on the brakes. Didn’t cross my mind at the time. FYI: It had double springs on the throttle. In a normal car, I could have pulled emergency brake, I even got a quote at Good Guy’s Del Mar for an electronic e-brake & bigger brakes. Hindsight’s 20-20, I was just gonna trailer it to a few shows & not drive it much till I could do that. Why didn’t I downshift? Car had a B&M ratchet shifter, once I shifted up thru the gears you can’t downshift till you put it in park. So much going on in those last few seconds, forgot to downshift it after putting it in park, but it was probably too late to have had a big reduction in speed. As far as I know, driver of van was not seriously injured. Beauty of a modern car with crumple zones, self tightening seat belts & air bags. Car had liability coverage but no collision, I was still in the process of getting stated value insurance

that really sucks.  I hate it for both of them.  as an armchair quarterback..........  there sure were a lot of warning signs... 

Sorry, didn't take the time to watch the whole video, but wouldn't killing the ignition be the smart move?

Sorry, didn't take the time to watch the whole video, but wouldn't killing the ignition be the smart move?
X2.  I used to have a go kart that would go nuts at WOT.  I got used to killing the motor... LOL

The only vehicle I'm would think about not doing that in would be my diesel. No brakes or steering if the motor is dead and it's a bitch to get it to stop or steer.  I've had it happen...   but....  I would throw it in neutral and stop it from pushing the vehicle.

"Was" a nice car, but yeah they should have stopped at the first sign of the throttle issue.

Hind sight is 20/20...coulda shoulda woulda...

The fact that there was barely any mention of the people he crashed into sucks!

Sorry, didn't take the time to watch the whole video, but wouldn't killing the ignition be the smart move?
I had a throttle stick once, turned off the ignition, accidently locked the steering wheel, ended up in a front yard with no damage, whew what a ride!

On the old Hondas all you had to do was pull hard on the wheel and ypu could break the plastic pin that locked the steering wheel.  I watched our li e mechanics do it a bunch.  Not sure I that is still true or not.  

well applying this to a buggy.........  i have one switch and one switch only. Red,  on one side of my steering wheel on the dash for this very reason

i personally dont like switch pros as again when the car is full throttle or what ever and you are bouncing around, there is no time to locate the proper switch and they also seem to have a slight delay

my $.02
