No Longer "Sean@Weddle"


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Yup, thread title says it all. My last day at Weddle was Friday October 18.

12 years. Great place to work. Great opportunities to improve myself personally and professionally. It was a tough decision to leave, but somewhat forced due to the difficulty of purchasing a home and raising a family here in Ventura/Santa Barbara.

Will be moving to Lake Havasu and using my skill set to continue providing for my family. More info on that to come later. I'll be a bit quiet for the next few weeks as we make the move and get settled in. Feel free to reach out to me with any help or questions you have.
Congrats! Cheers to the next chapter of your life!
That's tough man, sorry to hear it but wish you the best in Havasu. While our base was up for BRAC numerous times one of the options was to shut us down and move to Hueneme... from Inland Empire cost of living to Ventura county... needless to say, they were not happy with the workforce survey and the <15% that would be would be willing to relocate. Insanely expensive up there.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Sean, I wish you, your wife and daughter the best. Please keep us in the loop as to your new business venture.

You are going to be missed at Weddle!
@SeanRitchie you have been a great friend to this site and the off-roading community. A wealth of information is an understatement. Thank you for our many years of friendship, always getting my parts out quickly, and answering my questions (just like last evening).

I wish you and the family all the best in your move. Let me know when the next venture is up and running. I'll be your first client.
Was Stacy able to find you a shop? Or have you found one yet? If not give me a call when you get to town 949-678-8369
That weather in Ventura and Santa Barbara area during the summer is hard to beat.

Good luck on your next venture and new life in Havasu.
Would be great to have a trans guy in Havasu. cant remember his name but was the owner of rancho or partner back in the day retired to havasu and rebuilt my 2D many times. he's been passed away for yrs
my S5D is hopefully at weddle right now getting the bent input shaft replaced and upgraded with the larger unit.
Good luck on your future adventures.
Good luck to you and your family. A career change that involves a move is tough. Thanks for all the 2D information and advise.