My triple vaccinated wife and twice vaxxed 15 year old have Covid..I'm POSITIVE too.. took my first test 20 minutes ago.. ;-\

6 hours ago, Poule43 said:

@Surf and Dune

You make a lot of great points. Here are a few of your inspirational role models giving us all hope for a solid return to normal!! 

After watching these fearless leaders I have no idea how anyone could argue or disagree with any of your posts. I watched this and I feel CONFIDENT about our future!!!  No worries here!!!

 Haha. Bro, I've said over and over and over again that I don't claim to have the answers. When i engage in these discussions, I want to learn something.. I'm not sure why so many people get so butthurt when people disagree with them. 

As predictided.......the " Bro's " are coming out.......Meat avatars .......argue with Everyone..... :stirshit:  and then say..,

BRO,.......... I don't understand!!!  :lmao:

GO TEAM!!!!!   Way to go .... Bro!!!


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  Way to stay on topic bro. We can always count on you for your mature, intellectual input. We should all use you as an example how to keep a topic from going off the rails. Stay classy.
Thanks Brother!!!!

I appreciate that clark.jpg

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Interesting, here was the first hit on Google. Im sure theres more, and boatloads more after that that have already been scrubbed from the net.

This simply refers to the Pfizer trials and claims by taking the vaccine, you have a 95% chance of not getting Covid. 

This was literally shouted from the rooftops by everybody for months and months. 

Where is this huge rock you live under?


Dug around a little (clicked 5 more links) and found this goldmine.


They havent scrubbed everything. Some of these articles are comedy.

 The first article you posted was basically an explanation as to how a couple of company's performed their trial tests and what the results mean in clear terms. The second article was in the "opinion" portion of the paper. Its commentary, it's literally someone's "opinion". It means no more or less than any opinions that have been shared here. 

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I don’t really have a opinion. My wife and I are both vaccinated. We just went through the toughest period in our life. We both ended up with Covid pneumonia. Did all the standard protocols. Ivermectin seemed to really help me . My wife ended up in the hospital for 9 days . It was very scary. My youngest is a ER nurse and took care of her 24/7. My oldest is a firefighter and took care of me. My wife will be on oxygen for a couple more weeks. I learned I raised men that stepped up when we needed them, we are blessed. My friends stepped in and got me everything I needed. I was humbled by the experience. I still don’t know what to think of this BS virus. I know I don’t want it again and try not to sweat the small stuff

I don’t really have a opinion. My wife and I are both vaccinated. We just went through the toughest period in our life. We both ended up with Covid pneumonia. Did all the standard protocols. Ivermectin seemed to really help me . My wife ended up in the hospital for 9 days . It was very scary. My youngest is a ER nurse and took care of her 24/7. My oldest is a firefighter and took care of me. My wife will be on oxygen for a couple more weeks. I learned I raised men that stepped up when we needed them, we are blessed. My friends stepped in and got me everything I needed. I was humbled by the experience. I still don’t know what to think of this BS virus. I know I don’t want it again and try not to sweat the small stuff
Its a very serious sickness to many people. Its awesome that your family stepped up like they did....Thats incredible......When you go thru sickness like you did your clarity level becomes razor sharp and you can see clearly what is important and what is BS

This is the craziest time I have ever don't know what to believe. I saw an Incredible guy die of covid. It was soo sad.....others just a bad flu.

Glad you made it and can get on with life.


Simply by saying Ivermectin helped you , you can be banned from social media....IT was friggen America last time I checked... let people take the treatments that THEY want to take... then it's on them....

I'm glad  you are doing better..... just curious did you wait from the time you had the first symptoms to start treating or did it just kick your arse from the start? 

I don’t really have a opinion. My wife and I are both vaccinated. We just went through the toughest period in our life. We both ended up with Covid pneumonia. Did all the standard protocols. Ivermectin seemed to really help me . My wife ended up in the hospital for 9 days . It was very scary. My youngest is a ER nurse and took care of her 24/7. My oldest is a firefighter and took care of me. My wife will be on oxygen for a couple more weeks. I learned I raised men that stepped up when we needed them, we are blessed. My friends stepped in and got me everything I needed. I was humbled by the experience. I still don’t know what to think of this BS virus. I know I don’t want it again and try not to sweat the small stuff
Glad you guys are on the mend.  I just got through covid followed by pneumonia.  Not fun.

Someone brought up remdesivir.  I told my wife if I had to go to the hostile and they mentioned that or tried to give it to me, just shoot me.  It is an experimental drug they gave clearance to right in the beginning.  It has a published greater than 50% FAILURE RATE, killing people from fluid in the lungs and respiratory distress.  WTF?!?!?!

I also told my wife if I died from covid, to tell my parents my last words were thanks God I wasn't vaccinated... :lol:

They are big lefties and have completely drank the koolaid on this left's fear narrative.

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