My 2006 Wuerth Motorsports Build

Are the Tatum knuckles set up for a Uniball lower or you changing that to a heim with misalignment spacers?
Yes the Tatum spindles are meant for a lower uniball and upper heim. the Black Widow, Spyder, Evolution etc are all that way as well. The spacing was to keep my geometry all the same. appears to be 0 bumpsteer!
Few misc updates from the weekend:

One of the spindles was anodized black. it had been used by Tatum at a show on display years ago, and wanted to take the anodizing off. So went to town on it with a can of oven cleaner and took it most of the way off!
spindle bare 2.jpg
spindle bare.jpg
Also got some bolts and cut them down to right length to ensure everything was shanked correctly and installed the 2" hallow snouts:
Here's my spacing solution for the lower uniball to spindle:
For the upper i used one of my existing misalignments and welded a 3/8" SS spacer from Mcmaster onto it. For the bottom spacer i found a misalignment at Foddrill that made it fit perfectly into the spindle! If it works it works LOL