I've ridden motorcycles on the street for over 20 years, in my opinion, a big wheel bagger is about the worst bike to start on, that being said, my first ride on the street was on a cbr929rr. Talk about a steep learning curve..

anyways, I've been on a handful of Harleys as well. big wheel baggers handle like chit. Period. For the inexperienced rider they are fine on the open highway, but around town its a whole nuther deal. Emergency turns, or evasive maneuvers suck. I would highly recommend a smaller easier more maneuverable bike for someone with no experience. But if you are dead set on that style, stay outta traffic for a while, learn how to handle that bitch before you are forced to. Also remember, there are 2 types of riders, those that have gone down, and those that will go down. Dress for the slide, not for the ride.