Lessons Learned from a Life-Threatening Accident

Was he wearing a helmet?

If he was not, do you think just a helmet would have prevented his injuries?

Or he was wearing a helmet and he was not wearing a neck restraint that caused his injuries?

I just started wearing a helmet in my rail but no neck restraint. Been on my mind about shopping for one.
so do you think wearing a helmet would of helped with out a restraint or would of the neck injury be even more severe with the added weight of a helmet. when i was 18 or so i was on a volunteer fire dept i remember going to a call she was reaching for something in the car and went into oncoming traffic. the result of the impact headon at about 40 wearing a seat belt killed her instanly her neck was broken the considered it a technical decapitation the car didn't have airbags. i happen to know her went to school with her remember like it was yesterday and it was close to 35 years ago i always wondered if a helmet does more harm than good in a car with proper 5 point seat belt and no metal even close to your head. i do wear a helmet in the sxs not the sand car every helmet i buy is carbon fiber mx style very light latest and greatest mips installed. glad to hear everything will work out

On Saturday (same day as the crash) Reece and I had an incident earlier in the day where we hit an extremely hard bottom that rocked me pretty hard. I had my helmet and HANS on. The weight of the helmet definitely tweaked my neck, but not severely. If you were in a violent crash, the helmet alone would no doubt add extra moving weight to your neck. I personally think the HANS is a must have when wearing a helmet.
Here's another one to add in.

- Turn on find my friends with your group. That way if anyone splits up, you can see where they are. Or use a personal beacon and have someone monitor it. This is specifically helpful if you or your friends ride solo or with small groups. When cell service drops, or you've noticed a person in your group has been gone for awhile, you can use it to locate them.