JD'S Memes

$3,500 reward $$$$$$
I’m so ticked off right now. I hope these people get caught. ESCO doesn't deserve this. He gets up everyday and works his butt off for the things he has. I hope he gets everything back! Someone broke into his truck and stole a bunch of stuff. If anyone comes across any garage sales or Facebook posts selling any of it or is offered any of the listed items please let us know. Reward has been offered for information leading to the recovery of these items.

Items stolen:

1 x 18” light up sparkle unicorn doll
1 x large pink and white feather boa
1 x signed photo of a shirtless Justin Bieber
1 x bag of cable ties
12 rechargeable batteries for his pocket something.
1 x roll of gaffer tape
2 x pink fur lined handcuffs
1 x Paddle
1 x deluxe inflatable sheep
1 x pink mid thigh skirt
1 x of black hooker boots size 9 in men’s

Reward for any info...

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