JD'S Memes

The U.S. House of Representatives just passed the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act, legislation that directly targets President Biden’s federal regulations that take aim at petroleum-powered vehicles.

The vote was 221-197, with every Republican and five Democrat members of Congress voting in favor of the CARS Act.

“The passage of the CARS Act is a massive victory for every consumer and the entire American auto industry,” Representative Tim Walberg (R-Michigan), one of the bill’s sponsors, told Fox News Digital. “Biden’s mandate has always been unrealistic, and a textbook study on how central planning and Bidenomics simply do not work. Mandating EVs has never been a responsible or affordable solution.

“Just last week, nearly 4000 car dealers sent a letter to the Biden administration asking them to reconsider their EV mandate, citing a lack of demand from consumers. Today, with the passage of the CARS Act, the House showed we’re listening,” said Walberg.
