JD'S Memes

DAVID BRANCACCIO: There's a little sweet moment, I've got to say, in a very intense book-- your latest-- in which you're heading out the door and your wife says what are you doing? I think you say-- I'm getting-- I'm going to buy an envelope.


DAVID BRANCACCIO: What happens then?

KURT VONNEGUT: Oh, she says well, you're not a poor man. You know, why don't you go online and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? And so I pretend not to hear her. And go out to get an envelope because I'm going to have a hell of a good time in the process of buying one envelope.

I meet a lot of people. And, see some great looking babes. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And, and ask a woman what kind of dog that is. And, and I don't know. The moral of the story is, is we're here on Earth to fart around.

And, of course, the computers will do us out of that. And, what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And, we're not supposed to dance at all anymore. ~Kurt Vonnegut



Tearing around in your YXZ for a hundred miles or so before turning up to a professional drag race weekend without crack testing your CV Joints, Axles and diff gears will often result in an embarrassing DNF.

Why on earth would anyone spend so much money on their SXS, the engine, turbo, gearbox, ECU, Dash, dyno/tuning time, your new transporter, Diesel and Gas to go duning for the weekend, entry fees, camping fees, food and entertainment for the family and pit crew, but and fail to properly inspect and perhaps even "crack test" their Spindles, steering Rack, Gearbox Gears, Gear Dogs, Driveshafts, CV Joints, Axles and of course the DIFF GEARS !!!

Nothing worse than sitting in your trailer with a busted front spindle, exploded CV joint or broken diff gears while your buddies drive around all weekend without you.

Broken Axles, Spindles, CV Joints, Steering Racks, Gearbox Gears/Dogs and Broken Diff Pinion or Ring Gears are common in motorsport.

It is common in most disciplines of motorsport to crack test Spindles, Brake Rotors, Suspension/Steering Components, Axles, CV Joints, Pinions, Ring Gears BETWEEN every race.

The same should apply for anyone travelling long distances for a few days on the dunes.

If you dont want to sit "watching" your mates having fun, want to compete professionally or if you have sponsors looking forward to seeing you up on the podium, then keep reading...

NDT Crack testing in motorsport and aerospace is tyically NDT Dye Penetrant, Magnetic Flux particle or X Ray Testing.

We can assist you to learn how to test your own components for cracks at less than $2 USD per component - ask us how.


Some other thoughts - you will never see the black track drag racers driving and drifting their 2500 HP hot rods all month before a 1/4 mile championiship race, or a top fuel jet drag racing boat being used for family skiing for 3 months before entering a professional drag race, or a trophy truck being driven around at Glamis for 6 weekends in a row before being raced in the BAJA 1000.... and you certainly do not see the ELITE Sand Drag Guys playing in their ultra light weight cars all weekend before and after each drag race.

You cant drive an F1 Car every day to do your shopping, or race your daily driver in an F1 Race - each vehicle has a specific purpose, and its hard for a weekend "duner" in their full weight sand car to compete with HARD CORE drag guys that only drive their ultra light, drag only cars off the trailer and back onto the trailer after half a dozen 4 second passes.

Stay happy guys - always love talking to our happy customers and helping them when issues pop up.

