JD'S Memes

Yes, All Assembled Without Tools.



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Thomas Edison's mother and the power of words.

When Thomas Edison was a little boy, he came home from school and gave his mother a note that a professor had instructed him to deliver to his guardian.

His mother, Nancy Elliott (1810-1871), read it to her son's expectant looks at the contents of the note.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she read the letter aloud to her child: "Your son is a genius. This school is too low for him and they don't have teachers good enough to teach him. Please, teach him at home."

Nancy hugged her son and told him not to worry, and that from that moment on she would take care of his education herself, and that is exactly what happened.

Years after his mother's death, Thomas Edison became one of the world's greatest and most famous inventors

When he was passing by his old locker, he found the folded letter from his teacher. He opened it and found the real letter that his mother had read

“Your son is mentally Challenged. We can't let him go to our school anymore.”

Edison wrote in his diary: "Thomas Edison was a child of mental deficiency who was turned into a genius by his mother."


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