JD'S Memes

This reminds me of a work story from years ago. I was a general foreman and my boss called me and said he got a report that one of my crews spit on a bicyclist and I needed to look into it. It surprised me because our crews would not act this way.

When I showed up at their worksite I pulled the crew foreman aside and told him what I was told. He laughed and denied the accusation. And then he showed me what happened. He jumped in the truck and turned on the windshield washer fluid and the passenger side nozzle sprayed directly to the side and that was what the cyclist felt. One of his crew turned the nozzle to squirt obnoxious cyclist. (a lot of cyclist up here are bholes that think they own the road but don't have to follow the rules of the road)

Probably the only ass chewing I ever gave with a smile on my face.

This A. I. Business Is Getting "Out Of Control".

This Picture Is A. I. Generated.

