JD'S Memes

This is a CAT994A.

It burns approximately 1,000 litres of fuel in 12 hours, moves approximately 250 tonnes of dirt to extract the materials needed to make ONE Tesla battery.

To make each battery, you need to treat:

- 12 tons of brine for lithium,

- 15 tons of ore for cobalt

- 3 tons of ore for nickel,

- 12 tons of ore for copper

And move 250 tons of the earth's crust.

For just - one - battery, which has about:

- 12 kg of lithium

- 30 kg of nickel

- 22 kg of manganese

- 15 kg of cobalt

- 100 kg of copper

- 200 kg of aluminum, steel and plastic

And people still believe in "zero emissions" when they drive their electric cars.... ,

