January DOTM nominations

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I have one. Hozay stepped up and Glamisveterans became a main part of the Glamis clean up on MLK.. Hats off to them and everyone who gave of their time to Help clean up mama G

I have one. Hozay stepped up and Glamisveterans became a main part of the Glamis clean up on MLK.. Hats off to them and everyone who gave of their time to Help clean up mama G
X2 I see bigger and better things coming from the effort and time put in from Glamis Veterans.  

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I want to nominate Yarder :classic_love:  my Dune Hubby

He is always helping with something...  From answering my questions, giving me advise, fixing my generator or whatever I need.  Does he whine about it ??? YES but I believe he is just giving me a hard time. 

Need to add Monkey to the nomination for her understanding and patients with me taking up her husband's time. 

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