It's Saturday May 11th 2024.. What is everyone up too this weekend?

Starting the day with equipment delivered to the house. Going to do an asphalt driveway all the way down to the barn. 16' wide x 250' long. $12,500.00 Hope that's a good price. These guys act like swindlers. Started at $16k. Settled at $12.5k This guy says.........."Watch me work. I'll do you a great job boss" Everyone calls me boss these days. You can call me Da chEFF! Peace 

Grandsons birthday party today. Picking up the mother-in-law so after.  Then the wife her sister and mom are going to Laughlin for mom time. 
everyone have a great and safe weekend.  Be sure to give your mom a big hug and let her know how much you love her.  

Did all of the house chores yesterday while wife was at her moms.

today mess with the house wifi. Trim the hedge and bottle brush  on the north side, visit gramma, DILs masters degree graduation Sunday, church, shopping, not sure what else.  

Wife's out of town until late tonight. 

Just doing chores around the house. Cleaning. Riding my kids butts to help.

Drinking beers and tinkering in the garage tonight.

Might take the wife, mother in law and kids snowboarding/⛷️ tomorrow for Momma Day. Last day of the season at our local mountain.  Got some snow up there the last few days.They are still 100% open. It's her day so I'll let her choose.

Well doing a water pump and oil filter housing reseal on the wife’s e63 AMG. Turns out both turbos have water lines that feed them off or the pump. These lines are Metsl rubber and hard plastic. They break when they get touched. My Mercedes friends tell me the factory way to replace these hoses is to remove the engine. There is 1” on both sides of motor for access s as nd the hoses have lots of bends and push in from the sides  had to make special tools for two bolts. Almost done but if this was a paying customer it would be a 25 hour job. Crazy

shot sime critters around the house sat morning. Weeding and planting tomato plants in the garden with the wife. Went on a dinner and movie night last night

going to church, working on a talk for church next week, having 8 or our 13 grand kids over for mothers and grandmothers day. Going hunting for Polly wogs and frogs



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