Its Saturday Jan 27th 2024. What are ya Plans this weekend?

Just went thru the new 450. Checked the oil (good) and the Air Filter (No Oil on it). What's your take on the 450 Air Filter............Dry or Oil it? Peace

Cutting back all trees to clear 14’ high and 12 feet wide for  Moho. This is a 1/2 mile windy road to my house. Replaced battery terminals on Moho. Some almost eaten in half. Went to a baptism. Putting up lights in the chicken condo to give chickens extra light in the morning and evening. The more light they see the more eggs they make. Have 28 chickens. Changed rear brake pads on my bike. 9 months old. 17000 miles driven. Front have 15% left

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MTC is HUGE! Peace

Just went thru the new 450. Checked the oil (good) and the Air Filter (No Oil on it). What's your take on the 450 Air Filter............Dry or Oil it? Peace
Oil will collect the fine sand you know this :ex:

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Just went thru the new 450. Checked the oil (good) and the Air Filter (No Oil on it). What's your take on the 450 Air Filter............Dry or Oil it? Peace
we used troil i think it was filters, craps sticky as hell its like a glue trap for mice lol

Working on my other business- Sheetrock/drywall, tile, flooring, painting, insulation, and carpet.  Soon electrical and carpentry.

I’m killing it!

When you focus of customer satisfaction as your goal, treat your crew with respect, and pay well, growth is exponential.  Tip:  #dontbegreedy.  There is enough to go around!

Just took Delivery of this beautiful looking thing. Met the owner of Progressive PowerSports. He's a young guy with large business eyeballs. I remember those days. He knows he has a good customer in a guy like Da chEFF! Tried to replace the front shocks on the moho to no avail. Don't have the proper tools yet. Learning the water system / dump system / jack system on that thing. Going to clean out the trailer. Order some Paddles / Nerf Bars / 6-pack rack for the new Quad. Just playing in the garage. Peace

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Nice!  I’ve getting ridiculous offers to take over my Loko build but no way I’m giving her up!

Cutting back all trees to clear 14’ high and 12 feet wide for  Moho. This is a 1/2 mile windy road to my house. Replaced battery terminals on Moho. Some almost eaten in half. Went to a baptism. Putting up lights in the chicken condo to give chickens extra light in the morning and evening. The more light they see the more eggs they make. Have 28 chickens. Changed rear brake pads on my bike. 9 months old. 17000 miles driven. Front have 15% left

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½ mile driveway?! 

didn't have much planned starting last night. work on the kids bathroom since they are both in college and its past time for damage/cleaning repair on that poor place.

get a call at 1130pm last night from a tenant at an airbnb. some loud noise buzzing and can't sleep, well me either cause you freaking called. get up get dressed drive 30 mins to it and on the way call the fire alarm company. any alarms? yes someone in room 24 took the bedroom smoke detector off and put it back on within a minute. 

I get there mad as hell, can't reset it, go bang on their door, noone answers, keep banging and fixing to call the cops so they can witness the entry. some he/she answers the door, and i lay into it, about removing the smoke detector. that dumb a@# says well I was going to take a hot shower so I removed it. dumbest excuse I've ever heard. i need to enter to see it, so i go in, there's rose petals all over the place and some chick in bed. Now mind you this person who answered looked all of 14 and a girl trying to be a guy. 

So I march in remove the smoke detector and reinstall it correctly, go back down 3 flights of stairs to ensure the fire panel has reset, it has, so I go back up, beat on the door again and tell them we will be adding my 250.00 charge for coming out on this. I'm so sorry sir, I didn't know that would happen. get home about 1245am.

Go back today to look at a microwave not working. Walk in, pretty hot spanish lady speaks little english. I say I need to check the breaker first, she says ok, I go to slide the bathroom door open and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GRANDMAS buck naked in the shower, bent over, probably 75 years old, starts spouting some gibberish, so I close the door and said breakers ok, let me go grab a microwave LMMFAO.

I'm telling you that place is a mess.

called it a day by 11 i was done dealing with people
rounded off saturday night with another call to the airbnb, i had noticed a beer pong table in a room with the door open. told the office to keep an eye out for it, somethings up.

started watching the cameras about 930 and by 1030 they had 27 people jammed in a one bed loft. off i went, called the cops and evicted her by 11pm. but i don't understand why, she said...........well the welcome email clearly states NO PARTIES and your not allowed to have more than the number of people you listed on the application.  you listed 1, your 26 over the listed people. I gave her 10 mins to grab her stuff and get out. at 10 mins the cops knocked back on her door and said leave now or you will leave with us and we aren't taking you home.

she grabbed her party supplies and left lol.

I tell ya i'm glad this weekends over for me, im not used to getting to bed that dang late
