Its Saturday 10-1-22 Whatcha doing this weekend

Im sure neighbors will like that camera post. Something happens they will come asking to review footage. I sometimes watch youtube criminal interrogations and its often cameras on a neighbors house that ends up catching the killer.  

Was scheduled to work Saturday and Sunday. Job was bid for 12 hours each guy Saturday and same for today. I chose my team and blew the job out in an 8 hour day yesterday! Gotta love working 8 hrs and getting paid for 24!

Hit El Cajon Oktoberfest yesterday.  Got about as drunk as I've ever got off just beer (and some Barenjager & Jagermeister shots).  Newer attraction was a pellet rifle range.  Serious rifles and the guys running it were no joke.  

I woulda done better, sober.

Woke up today and decided to not go to work....  smoking a tritip, brisket style.


shopping for mesh wifi systems.  too many options................

still havent put the shocks on the buggy, but did manage to hose up one of the spacers, so it was time to do something else.  

Hockey Weekend, with the youngest, they went 3-0 for the weekend and 2 games being a shutout 10+ goals each. Oldest was in Lake Tahoe and they went 3-0 for the weekend. Couple goals, some assists a couple fights and time with his teammates around the lake. Fans there are CRAZY, drunk, flipping you off and spitting at you getting on/off the ice...then the drunk hockey moms hitting you up at the end...LOL...they destroyed Lake Tahoe team as well.

Going to be an insane season for both teams this year and most of all our sons.
