It's Saturday 1-8-22 What are you doing this weekend?

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Working today. Meeting a client to take out a boat he's interested in buying. 

Shop after that. 

Gear back up for MLK weekend in Glamis.

You all have fun and be safe.



Gathering up the last of the trinkets for the bathrooms remodels contractor is starting Monday. Then get the trailer out and start wheel bearing change getting ready for a desert trip to AZ in mid February taking Jeep and XX so need to make sure all is well with axles as the two put weight just under max. 
You all have a good safe weekend. Cheers

Going to the in-laws both days; sushi and a movie at one, then pizza and beer at the other.  Should be a good time. 


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Working right now. Finalizing the year with my secretary coming in! YEEHAA. You never know how much you need a person until they take 8 weeks Off. Luckily she'll return on the 17th. Hey ladies.....Don't have babies. It doesn't effect just YOU! Then planning on a road trip to ALB NM, get rental car, hotel for the night and pick up the motorhome. It's finally fixed. Hopefully it makes it back home so I can pack it and get at least one trip in this season. Renting a car is a nightmare. One way / day and a half car / plus hotel will cost us close to $600.00. Isn't that ridiculous?!! This ain't a bitch session chEFF carry on. Watching A1 tonight on the tube. Hope I can stay up for the duration because early sunday morning is a 10 hr drive to ALB, NM. Spend the evening Sunday night. Drive the moho home monday!! Peace 

A few honey do's and loading up for next weekend.  Visit mom tomorrow and hope to get a hike or two in.  

house chores and getting ready for next weekend glamis trip

Taking down all the Christmas lights and putting away. After that, hopefully nothing!

taking down christmas lights and working in garage.

Just put wife's Jeep up for sale.  Hoping to track down a new truck in the coming week or 2.  PRAYING I get a call from Montana about a new job this week.

Glamis for MLK depending on all the above....

At a Lacrosse tournament with my son / my older boy is working filming for next pro …… mom made lunch. Life is good

celebrating my daughter’s birthday tonight!!!!!


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A1 supercross!!!


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Hockey weekend in Anaheim, so far 0-6 and 6-1, next game at 530pm.

...and putting away Xmas stuff.

I used to have an old Turbo-T.  I would love to have a GN.  it was the most comfortable car Ive ever owned. 

Working … MLK in 6 days… missed New Years trip as my whole group (not my family) had Covid.

My 22 year old who works at hoag hospital and is triple vaccinated has Covid right now… 2nd time.

She’s fine… had it pre vax in Sept. 2020.

Be good


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Went Grocery shopping Fuel in car oil change and then to AAA for Insurance payment. I explained to the person that my "wifes" car I dont have anymore and she left almost a year ago. They said is the car still reg in Cali I said Yes and they said is it still in your name I said yes but its in Oklahoma and they said dont matter its got to be insured so I called the "wife" and said you owe me 1400 bucks for the insurance for the Year. she said send her a copy of the receipt so I took a pic and sent it and havent heard another word. Oh and got the TACO kit on the Can am so another thing off the list for when another Mama G trip comes up. Oh and A! tonight on the Telly
