Happy New Year 2024 Glamis Fams!!

I made it to 9:45.  Hung out with my kids, some margaritas and mead wine.  Dead quiet in my neighborhood. 

Gotta work today, time and a half!

Happy New Year, kooks!

Super quiet in our hood as well.  Here is our excitement... 

We would build a fire in the fireplace, sit and drink sparkling cider with our boys, and say what we were thankful for during the last year and what we were all looking forward to. 

23 was kind of a dud for us.  I'm looking forward to 24 being better at home, but sucking more at work.  Need to focus on the former and let the later go.  Senior management wants to run it into the ground and dispite best efforts there is nothing I can do about it. 


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Happy New Year Peeps !!! Great new years night with lots of great friends and family!!! Recycled all those Christmas Trees to heat up camp and ring in the new year !!!!

FUN times 4 sure !!!!!

started 2024 by the fire eating  leftover Gumbo from @RIDERED !!!! Soooo good !








Super quiet in our hood as well.  Here is our excitement... 

We would build a fire in the fireplace, sit and drink sparkling cider with our boys, and say what we were thankful for during the last year and what we were all looking forward to. 

23 was kind of a dud for us.  I'm looking forward to 24 being better at home, but sucking more at work.  Need to focus on the former and let the later go.  Senior management wants to run it into the ground and dispite best efforts there is nothing I can do about it. 
your company sounds just like mine!

I have been here for 28 years...........  SOOO Frustrated.  I wish I could just say "F-it, I dont care!", but I cant be that person.  So when I speak up Im "the guy who cant accept change". 

I have been here for 28 years...........  SOOO Frustrated.  I wish I could just say "F-it, I dont care!", but I cant be that person.  So when I speak up Im "the guy who cant accept change". 
I'm having flashbacks right now lol, I'm coming up on 30 and can't tell you how many times I've heard that. Then the employees here say they won't speak up to mgmt because they see how I get treated then it gets even worse :lol:  My wife has told me so many times to give them the finger it's crazy. Have a couple things to pay off then I'm out.

@ChEFF early morning :atc70: cruise !!!

Float bowl was stuck wide open from a little crash incident the other day - the CHEFF towed me in but I was able to bump start her and didn’t have to be towed back into camp where I could have been deemed “camp biotch” for the day !!!!….,,,,,,,close call ! :lol:


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