Gun porn

 I got my wife a little .22 Buckmark. Put a lighter trigger spring, new trigger, rail and optic, and a cool charging ring cause she had a hard time gripping it. Now I can't put it down myself!


From last couple desert range trips. I try and rotate stuff around. Sometimes also take the a2s out too. 



Anyone have one of the Prodigy's? 
Research the issues with the prodigy. Theere are fixes for the issues but you may want to know what you might be getting in to. I wanted one but after holding one and my Research I decided not to get one

Research the issues with the prodigy. Theere are fixes for the issues but you may want to know what you might be getting in to. I wanted one but after holding one and my Research I decided not to get one
I held one in Parker....grip felt too short for my hand....was just wondering if anyone had one and if they were all that.... I guess  I just save my 100s for a Stacato. 

Research the issues with the prodigy. Theere are fixes for the issues but you may want to know what you might be getting in to. I wanted one but after holding one and my Research I decided not to get one
 Supposedly the issues with Prodigys are realitively easy to fix, but I'd have a hard time buying a gun that you know isn't right from the factory. 

I held one in Parker....grip felt too short for my hand....was just wondering if anyone had one and if they were all that.... I guess  I just save my 100s for a Stacato. 
that was the issue I had with all of the Glocks I shot.  they just didn't feel right in the hand. 

Im lusting after this........  Id really like to shoot one.  bitchen piece.  Ive never owned a 9mm, it would be nice to play with something new.  $2K is a bit pricey to me though.......
Better than the $3500 I paid to build my cz for similar performance 


Just have a GST-9 kit shipped to one of your buddies in  Spend the rest on ammo..

I have the Wraith cut slide and fluted barrel on mine with a Swampfox.  Chit pic, but you get the idea...


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My last handgun purchase in may. For a 375 dollar gun I will put it up against one that cost way more. Canik tp9 sf and it’s more their base model. Best bang for buck as they come 

out of box it’s great trigger is crisp and nice. Accuracy is really good and been very reliable.been giving the 1911 a break since I got this. Been shooting a lot of steel lately and it runs the tree really good. 

