February DOTM nominations


May 2, 2021
Who’s your nomination for DOTM?  Remember it’s duners helping duners.  

"Tom" Camp Host of the 2021-2022 Season

For his efforts to address the problem of unattended camps in Glamis along Gecko. This has been a problem for years, how many thousands of folks lost access to a camp spot that should have been otherwise vacant.


I nominate me.  Im the most handsome, most helpful, fantastic, entertaining, funny and humble guy I know.  And I would jump @ the chance to help anyone in need as long as it does not disrupt my day, or inconvenience me in any way shape or form.  Oh and the best Lover ever, ask all of my previous lovers (all 2 of them). 

All in Favor, say eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (like a pirate.  if you dont do it like a pirate, it does not count).


"Tom" Camp Host of the 2021-2022 Season

For his efforts to address the problem of unattended camps in Glamis along Gecko. This has been a problem for years, how many thousands of folks lost access to a camp spot that should have been otherwise vacant.

You're on someone's shtlist now buddy...
