Electrical flex alert, due to heat...

I can see it now if NewSCUM was the governor of a midwest state where there are tornados in certain parts.

Tornados are very dangerous and I'm implementing a plan that everyone must have a tornado shelter even if you live thousands of miles from where any tornados are.

If you don't live where tornados are, you must move to a tornado zone by 2035 and build a shelter. It's for your own safety!

They will run on solar and wind power as we will build solar fields and Turbine farms in the zones of the tornados to maximize wind currents and the vast openness of the plains for the most sun exposure!


About the time your law saying no more gas-powered auto sale take effect, will be about the time when they will learn that battery disposal is an issue. What was thought to be the best ideas now, will not be viable and a hazard then. Kind of like the plastic issue we are now left with. Suppose we can just put them in a land fill on the moon by then.

I’m pretty sure whoever is California’s Governor in 2030 is going to kick this mandate down the road. No one is going to want this on their watch, especially when it’s clear to fail. Even the President of the US is going to have to say or do something, as they won’t want California collapsing during their term. 

Id hope they would see the dis function & destruction before then, but I think the current administration & its followers will be willing to go down with the ship before admitting they were terribly wrong.

Did anyone notice the new energy bill Newscum signed at 1:30 am on Wednesday? At the last minute and at the very bottom of SN846 it keeps the only nuclear plant online in California open another 5 years, until 2030! They were hell bent to close it, but now they want to keep It open another 5 years? Probably because they know it’s the only reliable high capacity energy we have. Also without the nuclear plant the state can’t make the State required Carbon Neutral goals. 

Some democrats are upset with Newscum for extending the nuclear plant date. 

Without doing any research whatsoever I would suggest that religion may eclipse that.
I should’ve said: no one has killed more of their own than centralized governments. 

Of the killings in the name of religion, that was just an excuse from a ruler. Up until our country, a country’s govt generally identified itself by a specific church.

And they want to get rid of natural gas. I can't find the article but there's some bill going through about making people get rid of their gas appliances... not just new homes. You already can't have a gas appliance in new construction.

Imagine when everyone gets home from work and has to use their electric stove and oven... Some of those things pull 20 amps... X2..
Its true. They already outlawed the disposable propane tanks. And they want to do away with bottled water next

I should’ve said: no one has killed more of their own than centralized governments. 

Of the killings in the name of religion, that was just an excuse from a ruler. Up until our country, a country’s govt generally identified itself by a specific church.
Fwiw most of the times religion is the reason for killing people; religion or religious leaders are also the heads of state. Ie crusades, etc 

you can also say communism and socialism are also forms of organized religion

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Fwiw most of the times religion is the reason for killing people; religion or religious leaders are also the heads of state. Ie crusades, etc 

you can also say communism and socialism are also forms of organized religion
Point was one dude, or a couple dudes, in charge means widespread death to the peasantry. Whether because they wanted to switch the entire economy (Mao) or because they didn’t like their version of the Bible, it’s usually not an entire population making bad decisions for themselves, it’s one or a couple dudes making shitastic decisions for everyone. Personal responsibility makes a much higher tide to raise all ships than deferring all decisions to a few in the ruling class. 

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I have lived in an all electric house for 21 years, still not a fan but really doesn't change your life.  
It changes drastically if we are made to retro fit everything from Gas to electric!

No thanks!


I have lived in an all electric house for 21 years, still not a fan but really doesn't change your life.  
I grew up in an all electric house, and had when I got to CA had to learn how to cook over again with gas.  Now I hate having to use electric (specifically cooking with it).  

I grew up in an all electric house, and had when I got to CA had to learn how to cook over again with gas.  Now I hate having to use electric (specifically cooking with it).  
Gas for cooking is so much more efficient. Hence why almost all restaurants cook with it.

My SCE bill was $650 in July, August should be close to or over $1k. AC always set to 78°, charge my daughter's EV at work 3-4 days a week. Haven't fired up a welder in a month.

My SCE bill was $650 in July, August should be close to or over $1k. AC always set to 78°, charge my daughter's EV at work 3-4 days a week. Haven't fired up a welder in a month.
OMG! That's nuts.

My SCE bill was $650 in July, August should be close to or over $1k. AC always set to 78°, charge my daughter's EV at work 3-4 days a week. Haven't fired up a welder in a month.
SCE switched my buddy on to time of usage in March (all on there own),  then his bill tripled, he just got switched back to domestic rates this week.  So check your bill and see if you are on time of usage or on domestic rates. Time of usage is usually higher.  

My SCE bill was $650 in July, August should be close to or over $1k. AC always set to 78°, charge my daughter's EV at work 3-4 days a week. Haven't fired up a welder in a month.

We let our circa 1994 AC unit him pretty much 24/7 sucking up 4.5kw since its an energy HOG... SCE bill was 12 bucks for August... Ever herd of solar? My loan on the solar panels is only 85 bucks a month... So im less than than 100 bucks a month .

At least until  Septempter 2024 - when the panels are paid off, and then it'll be pretty much free energy.


We let our circa 1994 AC unit him pretty much 24/7 sucking up 4.5kw since its an energy HOG... SCE bill was 12 bucks for August... Ever herd of solar? My loan on the solar panels is only 85 bucks a month... So im less than than 100 bucks a month .

At least until  Septempter 2024 - when the panels are paid off, and then it'll be pretty much free energy.
Maybe 2 years ago a board member here did a solar estimate for my house and I think it was around $25k. Had another estimate a few weeks ago from a different company and they want $52k for a 130% system (meaning it's 30% bigger then my current usage so if we get more EVs, add onto the house, etc, we're coverd for solar needs)

No thanks. 

SCE switched my buddy on to time of usage in March (all on there own),  then his bill tripled, he just got switched back to domestic rates this week.  So check your bill and see if you are on time of usage or on domestic rates. Time of usage is usually higher.  
Pretty sure we are also TOU. We do try to conserve between 4-9pm. No laundry, no charging the EV. But that's when we are home so the AC is running. 

Being a steam engineer that operates a power plant it's some BS to me that electricity cost more for certain hours. Does the natural gas cost more for them? No. Do they need to have extra guys on shift working the boilers and turbines? No. They charge a premium because they can get away with it. Basic economics. Keep the supply low and the demand high. There are enough 'peaker' plants in So CA to make more power when necessary and those plants are FULLY staffed 24/7 even when they are in stand-by.
