Can-Am plant fire, arson?

Maybe Can Am had a new Polaris at the factory and in typical RZR fashion it just burst into flames. Lol! 



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Wow!! Think prices are high now for a used SXS? About to hit new ridiculous highs on new and used. This will be interesting 

“”””Maybe Can Am had a new Polaris at the factory and in typical RZR fashion it just burst into flames. Lol! ”””” ………………….……. Stupid Can-Am! They Accepted Polaris’s Trojan horse!

Looks like a lot of cars ready to ship just went up in smoke, glad I'm not waiting for one. The wait for the Speed car might be worth it now LOL

Looks like the fire is just in the outside storage lot. Any pics of the building Burning?  Probably sabotage by some angry Golfer.. 

Crazy, wonder how many units were destroyed.  Bad for Can-Am customers, is this their main plant? etc?
Looking at Nikals post with photos then the video I would say a lot!! Just the one pic is 12 units. Millions of $$$ in damage/loss might be an understatement. 

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Crazy, wonder how many units were destroyed.  Bad for Can-Am customers, is this their main plant? etc?
I believe they have 3 facilities in Mexico.  This facility looked like it was a warehouse of finished vehicles.   Whoever was waiting for their Can Am to arrive at the dealer in the next few weeks, just got a much longer wait.  

allenoffroad worked for Jacuzzi and they had same issue in Juarez, there plant burnt down,  dont think it is that uncommon  
