And the December DOTM is?


May 2, 2021
Reaction score
Congratulations to @Nickman123

@Nickman123 Weekend before Thanksgiving, our group is out in the dunes near-ish to China Wall on the Washes side.  Next dune set over, we see the ass end of a RZR pointed at the sky (rollover) and head over to help out.  Group quickly rights the vehicle on the side and makes sure the man and woman inside are okay.  Once righted, we're greeted with a passenger front tire stuffed into the plastics, broken control arms, axle, tie rod and ball joints and the RZR's only companion is a quad. We set the suspension up to tri-pod it out and start rolling.  Nick graciously offers up his passenger seat for the woman to ride in and we head out towards the washes.  About 2 dune sets in, one of our group buries his buggy to the frame and we have to stop to dig him out.  @Nickman123 stays with the RZR and gets him unstuck at least 3-4 times based on the spotty radio conversations we're having to get the RZR out to Wash 6 where we were camped. This isn't the first time we've rescued someone in the dunes with a breakdown, but Nick went above and beyond to help a fellow duner out to safety. Always sucks to give up hours of good riding time, but leaving people out there to fend for themselves isn't what we do.

Downright fantastic Nickman123, The world be needing more people like you. Well done. Throw Slappy a PM with your address, and your Duner of the month sticker will be on the way. ❤️👊
