Alumicraft getting a new computer mid season

I'd still replace the pump just to check that off the list, keep the old one as a spare.  I have an aeromotive A1000 pump, and last season I would have funky fuel pressure issues intermittent, I thought it was the regulator, so I rebuilt it... still happened again the next trip... decided to pull it and send it in to aeromotive for testing, and it was bad. Car would always start, run fine etc etc 

any idea what's casuing your Mefi's to fail?  I've had a couple different MEfi,s w/ no issues so far (knock on wood) 

Apples and Oranges and all, but I had the exact same problems with my Ford V10 motorhome.  I had just replaced the fuel pump and the problem wasn't the same as the last time it died, so checked everything but that.  New this, new that, nothing helped, and it was intermittent so hard to pin down.  Eventually, it completely chit the bed and I was finally able to diagnose it by hooking it directly to a battery and getting zero fuel out of the open line. 

not trying to derail this thread by any means.   If your upgrading the rest of your car wiring wise, the switch pro seems to be a nice setup.  Its very simple and user friendly to install and that combined with the holley system and the pro dash gets you closer to that motec feel/function without as high of a cost. 
I like switch pro, and it may be a direction I go soon, but for some reason I love my analog toggle switches. Something about them does it for me.

But looking at other cars that have switch pros does make me think about it.


Apples and Oranges and all, but I had the exact same problems with my Ford V10 motorhome.  I had just replaced the fuel pump and the problem wasn't the same as the last time it died, so checked everything but that.  New this, new that, nothing helped, and it was intermittent so hard to pin down.  Eventually, it completely chit the bed and I was finally able to diagnose it by hooking it directly to a battery and getting zero fuel out of the open line. 
The only reason I don't think it's a fuel pump is that it wouldn't be so specific when it fails. It would in thought fail more regularly. And when I restart the car and go drive the piss out of it, no issue. If the fuel pump was failing, it would in theory fail once restarted as well.

The only reason I don't think it's a fuel pump is that it wouldn't be so specific when it fails. It would in thought fail more regularly. And when I restart the car and go drive the piss out of it, no issue. If the fuel pump was failing, it would in theory fail once restarted as well.
Same here.

But the pump disagreed.  Would start, sputter, run like complete ass until I turned it off.  Restarting, zero issues and it wouldn't happen again until it sat some more.  Eventually, it stopped running altogether.  I assume there was some internal failure or something causing it to hiccup.

I like switch pro, and it may be a direction I go soon, but for some reason I love my analog toggle switches. Something about them does it for me.

But looking at other cars that have switch pros does make me think about it.
Im still running all analog k4 switches with blue sea fuse blocks.  Its bulletproof and always works but so much more wiring than the switch pro system. 

I have installed one switch pro system and it was extremely easy. 

not trying to derail this thread by any means.   If your upgrading the rest of your car wiring wise, the switch pro seems to be a nice setup.  Its very simple and user friendly to install and that combined with the holley system and the pro dash gets you closer to that motec feel/function without as high of a cost. 
Stay away from switch pros. They are being torn out of x2 race cars I know of because they are causing DNFs. I sold a 1600 car with a switch pros... didn't have issues when I owned it, new owner was fighting issues, rewired the entire car only to find out the switch pros had an issue in the sealed box. 

Stay away from switch pros. They are being torn out of x2 race cars I know of because they are causing DNFs. I sold a 1600 car with a switch pros... didn't have issues when I owned it, new owner was fighting issues, rewired the entire car only to find out the switch pros had an issue in the sealed box. 
oh man,  Thank you for the heads up! 

What are you guys switching to?  I am looking to upgrade my wiring, i have holley engine management right now.  I only know of switch pros and 4xspod that have the keypad wiring setups.  

Stay away from switch pros. They are being torn out of x2 race cars I know of because they are causing DNFs. I sold a 1600 car with a switch pros... didn't have issues when I owned it, new owner was fighting issues, rewired the entire car only to find out the switch pros had an issue in the sealed box. 
Really? I have wired probably close to 100 switch pros and haven't had a failure except on one of the first version 8100's.

Stay away from switch pros. They are being torn out of x2 race cars I know of because they are causing DNFs. I sold a 1600 car with a switch pros... didn't have issues when I owned it, new owner was fighting issues, rewired the entire car only to find out the switch pros had an issue in the sealed box. 
Really? I have wired probably close to 100 switch pros and haven't had a failure except on one of the first version 8100's.

Really? I have wired probably close to 100 switch pros and haven't had a failure except on one of the first version 8100's.
Yes, really weird because that was the last thing the new owner checked based on my recommendations. We thought there was something in the harness. Keep in mind that both are on 1600 cars so the wiring is very simple!  

Yes, really weird because that was the last thing the new owner checked based on my recommendations. We thought there was something in the harness. Keep in mind that both are on 1600 cars so the wiring is very simple!  
I am a dealer for Switch-Pros, i have had many failures with the 8100, they are now 7 years old,  

I have installed over 25 9100 and sold over 40 that i have not installed, 

So far any issue has been a wiring issue that they did not read the instructions correctly or a programming issue,  

Most of the time it is the Programming,   

But not one of the 9100 have failed for us,  


Most of the motors we build get Holleys,  

The Holley System is really easy to adjust due to the OS being so Picture Based or Icon Based Software,  

Couple of things to decide 

  • How Long will you keep the system and the motor setup
  • Any future upgrade to the system 
  • Monitoring what do you want to keep track of
  • Elements / Environment
  • Ease of Install 

The Term-X is a great budget way to get into a system,  It really depends on your budget, 

The Term-X and HP have close to the same software, the HP has more features due to the ECM can do more, but will be work arounds for $200-500 that can be done to a Term X,

  1. The big down fall of the Term-X is the ECM is not water or Environment Friendly to the desert ,  You will need to keep it in a DRY DUST FREE AREA if you want it to last,  they are not sealed units and are not Potted,   
  2. They have no thermal Acc Thermal imputes  ONLY 5v imputes,  if you want to add oil temp, or trans temp, then you will need to wire it with a pull up sensor or add a pullup-configuration box from fast  OR  add the I/O expansion box for around $500-800
  3. Laptop link in, is not recommended with CAN splitter and will have to be hooked up Separate. 

Holley HP, about another $1000  if you can afford it,  they are hands down nicer, 

  1. Case is Powder coated aluminum,  
  2. Internals are Potted - This helps make it shock resistant
  3. Can run any Thermal input without custom wiring (pullup sensor or FAST wire harness extension)
  4. Water Proof 
  5. Laptop is Micro USB and can run the laptop with the CAN running other features, 
  6. Can mount anywhere without worry of the weather destroying the ECM, 

  If you are adding features and mounting options to a Term X, the difference can add up Quick

Wire Harness,   

We have installed so many Holleys over the years,   The Factory Harness is a good start but will soak up a lot of time and does not look very clean,  but will keep the budget on track 

Factory Harness

  • Will need to add Altenator wire in the system,  
  • Need to remove the loom and move the power wire and other wires to the end and retape and reloom
  • Have to add all of your own relays for fuel pump and fans

Howell Harness

This is one of my favorite around $1200 now,  This is the Harness that CBM and Turnkey sell,  Pretty much plug and play,  the Term-X and the HP use the same Plugs, 

Redline Harness 

One of the Nicer Harness out there Looks like a Milspec Harness, starts at $2800 and with other features can run up to $5000. 

Hope this helps 


Most of the motors we build get Holleys,  

The Holley System is really easy to adjust due to the OS being so Picture Based or Icon Based Software,  

Couple of things to decide 

  • How Long will you keep the system and the motor setup
  • Any future upgrade to the system 
  • Monitoring what do you want to keep track of
  • Elements / Environment
  • Ease of Install 

The Term-X is a great budget way to get into a system,  It really depends on your budget, 

The Term-X and HP have close to the same software, the HP has more features due to the ECM can do more, but will be work arounds for $200-500 that can be done to a Term X,

  1. The big down fall of the Term-X is the ECM is not water or Environment Friendly to the desert ,  You will need to keep it in a DRY DUST FREE AREA if you want it to last,  they are not sealed units and are not Potted,   
  2. They have no thermal Acc Thermal imputes  ONLY 5v imputes,  if you want to add oil temp, or trans temp, then you will need to wire it with a pull up sensor or add a pullup-configuration box from fast  OR  add the I/O expansion box for around $500-800
  3. Laptop link in, is not recommended with CAN splitter and will have to be hooked up Separate. 

Holley HP, about another $1000  if you can afford it,  they are hands down nicer, 

  1. Case is Powder coated aluminum,  
  2. Internals are Potted - This helps make it shock resistant
  3. Can run any Thermal input without custom wiring (pullup sensor or FAST wire harness extension)
  4. Water Proof 
  5. Laptop is Micro USB and can run the laptop with the CAN running other features, 
  6. Can mount anywhere without worry of the weather destroying the ECM, 

  If you are adding features and mounting options to a Term X, the difference can add up Quick

Wire Harness,   

We have installed so many Holleys over the years,   The Factory Harness is a good start but will soak up a lot of time and does not look very clean,  but will keep the budget on track 

Factory Harness

  • Will need to add Altenator wire in the system,  
  • Need to remove the loom and move the power wire and other wires to the end and retape and reloom
  • Have to add all of your own relays for fuel pump and fans

Howell Harness

This is one of my favorite around $1200 now,  This is the Harness that CBM and Turnkey sell,  Pretty much plug and play,  the Term-X and the HP use the same Plugs, 

Redline Harness 

One of the Nicer Harness out there Looks like a Milspec Harness, starts at $2800 and with other features can run up to $5000. 

Hope this helps 
Awesome source of info. Thanks

The Terminator has been ordered and will be a good fit for me based on what I'm looking for. It's good to know that there is an upgrade out there though. My mounting location is clear and after a solid tune, I shouldn't* have to touch it. I'm looking for solid reliability, not look at me power at the drags. So I'm sure it will work great for me.

Awesome source of info. Thanks

The Terminator has been ordered and will be a good fit for me based on what I'm looking for. It's good to know that there is an upgrade out there though. My mounting location is clear and after a solid tune, I shouldn't* have to touch it. I'm looking for solid reliability, not look at me power at the drags. So I'm sure it will work great for me.
That kind of what i was getting at, Solid Reliability would be the HP, it is Potted, and has a USB connection,  the Terminator is not Potted and is in a plastic case, it has noting to do with Horse Power,  The frustration with replacing ECM and with the Mefi can be the same with a Term X depending on the Environment.  so I would try to put it in a sealed case to get it out of the weather. or go with a HP unit, if you want the most reliable solution.   

What made you change your mind from the AEM you mentioned in the other thread?
The lack of support. If I’m going to spend money on a new ECU, it might as well be a unit that is still in production and has support from all builders/tuners. While the AEM is a solid unit, it would cost me just about as much time and money for me to slap that in for now than it would be to just go Holley now 

The lack of support. If I’m going to spend money on a new ECU, it might as well be a unit that is still in production and has support from all builders/tuners. While the AEM is a solid unit, it would cost me just about as much time and money for me to slap that in for now than it would be to just go Holley now 
For similar money you could do a Fueltech FT550 Lite, and their plug n play LS swap harness. The ecu has more than 3 times the inputs, and 6x the outputs of the Terminator and is IP67 rated too.

Second season with my Holley harness and terminator X.  No issues yet...I rubber mounted the Terminator and it's in a somewhat secluded spot.  I'd like to someday build a new harness myself using Holley's below harness and connecter set - so i can run wires how I want, route the way I want, etc. Being a mid-engine makes my setup a bit different too - as my intake is flipped...Not an easy job, but I like the challenge...  Finding high quality shrink wrap has been a challenge...haven't found a good source yet, but also haven't looked too hard. If anyone has recommendations that would be great.



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Second season with my Holley harness and terminator X.  No issues yet...I rubber mounted the Terminator and it's in a somewhat secluded spot.  I'd like to someday build a new harness myself using Holley's below harness and connecter set - so i can run wires how I want, route the way I want, etc. Being a mid-engine makes my setup a bit different too - as my intake is flipped...Not an easy job, but I like the challenge...  Finding high quality shrink wrap has been a challenge...haven't found a good source yet, but also haven't looked too hard. If anyone has recommendations that would be great.

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