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    Warrior clutch

    These are super handy and cheap. I've had the same "Brand X" one for probably 30 years and it still works fine. Also, when you get it apart check to see that you don't have notches worn into the basket (this is pretty common on older bikes). If they are light you can file them out, but if they...
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    Park Like a Douche

    Seen Saturday at Ace hardware in Heber, AZ. Obviously a jewel like this deserves segregation from the hoi polloi...
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    2018 Silverado 2500HD "long" brake pedal problem - easy (but strange) fix

    I've got a 2018 Silverado 2500HD 4x4 gas truck, and a few weeks ago the brake pedal started feeling like a vehicle with drum brakes that were out of adjustment, i.e. long travel on the initial press of the pedal and then it would get high and solid with a second pump. I thought this was strange...
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    Peterson museum bobalos

    Those cars are incredible, and I will have to get there and check it out one of these days. Thanks for sharing! It reminds me of the museum at Barber Motorsports Park near Birmingham, AL, but that one is almost entirely motorcycles. As a lifelong bike guy I finally experienced sensory overload...
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    Greasing the pitman arm on a 2018 Chev 2500HD - finally found an easy way

    I have a 2018 Chevy 2500HD gas 4WD, end every time I have serviced it it has been a royal PITA to grease the pitman arm, since the grease zerk is on top and there are a bunch of things in the way. Finally, after five years of cussing I put together a simple "U" adapter that makes it easy to come...
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    Cummins 8.3 ISC Low power problem - easy to fix once you find the problem

    I have a 2008 Fleetwood Providence 39R with a Cummins 8.3 ISC. Lost a ton of power on a trip to the Heber, AZ area over Labor Day. I saw it was due to low boost (only 16-18 psi instead of normal max ~35 psi). It didn't give a check engine light or set any codes. I crawled underneath it while we...
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    Freightliner coolant header tank not available - had to make one

    I have a 2008 Fleetwood Providence 39R with a Freightliner chassis. I got home from a recent trip and noticed that there was a seep coming from the coolant header tank. The back end of it is exposed to the sun and the plastic takes a beating. I did some reading up on it and found out that you...
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    Happy Birthday Arch Stanton

    You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. Happy Birthday Arch.
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    What bike made the biggest impression on you?

    This picture is not of the particular one that I had back in 1983, but it is the same bike. Imagine riding three 1970's 250 motocross bikes (with no power valves and super peaky power bands) all at the same time and you will get the picture. It was super stable riding giant straight-line...
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    Zenith 32 NDIX Carb

    Mine just had one, and so did my buddy's (I rebuilt the carbs on both of then, both mid-60's 404's). The picture is of the one I had. I sold it to a guy less than a mile away who still has it. Anyway, give it a try, could be it will work well for you!
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    Silver Lake Dunes (Michigan)...please share what you know.

    They like to be different in MI. I think they may have finally retired them, but until recently the state troopers had these signs on the hood where they could light the "STOP" up red when they pulled up next to you. I have only been to the UP (sledding and dirt biking), and it is a different world.
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    Desert dynamics questions

    2008 boxed rear arms and lower fronts, tubular upper fronts. 1 3/4" TIG welded chromoly. List price for the frame was $7.5K according to the title. "Torsion housing" has major gusseting on the bottom. I had another similar one a couple years older that had upper and lower boxed front arms and a...
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    Welding Newbie

    ^^^^ Amen. Miller sells a light kit to fit their hoods and it ROCKS, especially when you are underneath a vehicle. I got mine at a local weld shop but I see that you can get them on Amazon too (of course). One light on each side and they made it angle so both beams come together right where...
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    Park like a doosh

    Here's an expert. Car that size taking up two spaces. And one is even a handicapped space...
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    Arizonans (and others) will need a California green sticker starting in 2022

    I had heard that this was possibly coming but I just found out that it passed (it looks like in October): Information Bulletin State Reciprocity AB 232.pdf As much as I like to complain, I guess Arizona started it... Looks like $30 for the permit...
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    2021 Formula 1 Season

    Yep, best to stay right there. Several people nearby also rent out moho parking (and tent camping) in their yards too, have had good luck with that. This pic was from FP1, look hard and you can see a Ferrari. Wondering what Miami will be like next year, but I think I can guess. COTA is great...
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    What to do with some leftover rebar

    Merry Christmas from Arizona! About 10 feet tall and sits on a 4 foot pipe concreted in the ground. I also made a similar Xmas tree.
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    JD'S Memes

    Real Alabama road sign:
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    Heartbreak Of Psoriasis

    Every time I see a V8 with a 2D I think of this:  