Went to HB for a bike ride to the wedge and back. Stopped at Blackies in Newport and had more than my fair share. Got home and grilled up some kabobs. Not much for pics but here's one from the wedge.
I can vouch for this. Was headed to Utah on a 7 night trip and RV fridge dies just before leaving. We Bought a lifetime 77 qt at Walmart, it worked good over the trip. We were able to find blocked ice. It helped keep cool for days on end.
Saturday - Pro motocross finals! Then immediately cancel my subscription to Flo channel.
Sunday - going on a Harley ride. It'll be hot but we aren't afraid to stop for a drink or two.
Monday - playing around with the RC crawlers down in the wash
Just picked up the Losi night crawler. It's a 1/10, on the cheaper side & so far it has not let me down. Comes with LED lights as well so the fun continues into the night
On week 5 of tibia fracture/surgery. Healing is going good, still no weight bearing. Big plans today are to watch supercross!! And dream about walking on two feet again.
This is not my bike but same seat. It's a one piece pan. I'm healing from fractured tibia/surgery and can't get to my seat at the moment. It's hanging from the rafters in garage.
Watching a lot of TV. (Supercross today!!) Crashed the dirt bike in Ocotillo wells Sunday, had surgery to fix my tibia on Tuesday. Sent me home from desert regional hospital on Wednesday. Now the months of healing / physical therapy begin. My goal is to be riding my SE PK Ripper along the...