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  1. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    They need to put Blair and Malcolm in the Booth. Carmichael was a great rider but that doesn't make him a great broadcaster. I think it would be interesting to hear Carmichael's version of the story. Hard to justify some of RC's behavior on video.
  2. Free ride

    First daddy-daughter trip success

    I'm sure you had a weekend you'll never forget. When my girls were young (3 under 5 y/o) I would take them to G by myself. We'd always have a good time. Of course I got all kinds of stories about changing diapers in the dunes! Good times for sure. Wife always loved it when I took them by...
  3. Free ride

    It's Saturday Jan 25th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    A2 supercross! Crossing my fingers it doesn't become a mudder. Taking a Pancho just in case. Tomorrow my 14 y/o daughter is racing for the first time at Glen Helen. She's super excited and already talking about racing the entire series.
  4. Free ride

    WAKE UP CA residents!

    This is exactly how I now look at it. Have wanted to leave CA for a few years. Unfortunately, my retirement is tied to the state and I have too many years invested to mess that up. Retirement will be somewhere rural/small town (state TBD) where I don't have to deal with all the fucktards...
  5. Free ride

    Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

    We'll be there cheering her on! I'll have two of my daughters with me. l
  6. Free ride

    85? 100? Or crf150?

    Just bought my daughter a '25 KX 112. 2-stroke if you wanna stay with that. Seat height is about 34", if I'm not mistaken it's the same frame as an 85 but bigger motor. It's a fast lil bike.
  7. Free ride

    New Years Eve/ New Years day? Where are you? What are y'all doing

    Ocotillo Wells. Out here doing that dirt bike thing. Wild Turkey 101 will be happening here soon. Saw the All American sender at Shell Reef. Truck is bad ass. I'll make it to midnight, watch the fireworks and call it a night soon after.
  8. Free ride

    Any Input?

    Never heard of it. 🤷🏻
  9. Free ride

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Off till Jan 13th. Gonna load up and head to Ocotillo Wells in a couple days for a 7-8 day trip. No bonus but sometimes time off is just as good.
  10. Free ride


    Merry Christmas Just finished breakfast with the family. Carne Asada and tamales later on. Think I'll put the new shocks on my RC crawler.
  11. Free ride

    It's Saturday Dec 14th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Taking my youngest daughter to Glen Helen for mx practice. She's practicing for her first race next month
  12. Free ride

    Christmas songs or lights, whacha got?

    This guy has all kinds of good ones
  13. Free ride

    Internet Speed

    I guess mine is alright
  14. Free ride

    Where’s everyone off-roading this weekend?

    Ocotillo Wells, on day 4, and 3 more to go. Sorry, don't have more pics. We're riding dirt bikes and don't typically stop for many pics. My youngest is totally stoked to be riding her new KX 112.
  15. Free ride

    How to get rid of Coyotes

    Hit him with a paintball a few times. That should keep him away and won't kill him. 🤷🏻
  16. Free ride

    School me on cell phones

    They all make phone calls and access the interwebs.
  17. Free ride

    After 54 years I am done.

    49 and still riding street/dirt. Definitely slowed down in the last couple of years. I Broke my tibia 2 years ago, 3 nights in hospital, surgery, rehab to walk etc....that accident made me realize I heal slow now but not letting that stop me. bike is in shop getting complete rebuild as I...
  18. Free ride

    Favorite Camp Fire Drink?

    Makers Mark and Coke zero.
  19. Free ride

    Mr President

  20. Free ride

    If you are in Havasu tonight

    Pretty sure this guy was on the way out there.