Hannah is part Cattle Dog part Beagle, smart as can be but only wants food. Got her from a rescue that rescues dogs off the Reservation. Sazi, Well she is a mix of who knows what. Ex Wife found her on the Reservation at the Anasazi Inn up by four corners. She was the ugliest puppy ever :lol: but dam if that isn't the most loyal dog I have ever had.
This is how they would ride to the dunes in the dodge
This is how most people know them, tied together. Sazi will rarely walk out of camp, Hannah on the other hand well she has been on double secret probation for years.
This is there favorite thing, or at least was. Hannah could care less about most fireworks, Sazi as soon as the sun goes down she starts to get nervous and as soon as the first one pops, She is heading for bed.
Speaking of bed.. One day had the TV on and the Sarah

commercial about abused dogs was playing and as I walked into the room well this is what I saw.
They are truly best friends