House kitchen sink clogged.


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Double sink, disposal on left. Both sides Will not drain at all. Every other drain in house is fine.
Backstory. For years when washing machine would run kitchen sink would back up a little but would keep up and drain in one minute (washing machine in garage about 30” below kitchen sink 20’ away).
Clean out is outside of house directly under kitchen sink.
One month ago rented snake from HD and everything was flowing perfectly. All of a sudden kitchen sink will not drain. Took apart trap and used small handheld snake for about 30” and no change. What am I missing? Could disposal be clogged?
Do I need a disposal in the sink, we are very careful about what we put down it. I could put in an 45* angle directly to the trap and eliminate disposal.


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Just throwing an idea out. If the lines is clear but it won’t drain maybe there is not enough venting???
Another vote for checking your vent, while your up on the roof check the rest of them including your dryer went
Can I start with this before I drag a snake on the roof? Sink vent is located on the second story roof.


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does it drain if you put a hose in the clean out ? then it's the pipes inside or the vent. that dishwasher hose should have an air gap on it or at least a loop.
Had same issue at old house. Sink was a 1-1/2" line at far side of house. it took 75' snake to reach far enough to meet main line on other side. Had a disposal but the small line made for occasional clogs(spaghetti, rice etc..).
Point is, maybe your not reaching far enough downstream to clear all the clog.
Also check washer drain, alot of crap gets in the as well.
I agree, the issue is downline between yore washer and main line connection. That's why you get washer water backing up to your sink.

How old is the house? We have cast iron sewer lines, so stuff like this gets common. A video scope of the line was worth its weight in gold, then had the line descaled (Chain) all the way to the main line. No more blockage occurring every few months. A normal snake or water jet will only fix the problem until the next blockage happens in a few months.
It's been a few years, but I had to "Reline" the broken clay pipe in the yard
with the plastic/epoxy liner. I had them add a clean out between the house
and the curb. Today, the only clog is between the disposal and the pipe in the wall.
Still a pain, as the pipe behind the disposal needs to be taken out.
If by, "Will not drain" mean water sits in your sink for several minutes....then it ain't got nut.N to do w/your vent. If it drains could be your vent.

I'd say that you need a 31" snake...

You said "All other drains drain" and when they do, there is no water backed up at the clean-out....correct? Then, it is the line from the sink to the mainline.

Somewhere between where the line from the washer (pronounced wore-sher in some parts of the South) and sink gets to the clean-out, and it has been restricted for some time.

How often do you use your disposal? Try plugging the other side of the sink and energizing that bad-boy and see if it pushes out the clog (good) and/or separates the pipes (which would be bad). It will geyser up outa the other side if not blocked off...of-course....make sure you have your face over the non-disposal side of the sink when you energize it. LOL As a benefit'd get your face washed ; )

Go to the cleanout and snake it farther up.

Get a 5 gal paint bucket and drain the pipe under the sink and snake it until you can see the snake in the clean-out. A shop-vac will also help w/the mess. It might be a good reason, to explain to the significant other and to why you need the new 52 gallon shop vac. Ma or Pa Ingles used to say, in a great loss, there is always a small gain (or something like that).

One of these....
Like others have said. It's probably between your house and the street main.

If the clean out is just outside the kitchen wall, make it backup again and remove the cap. I'd assume sewer water will flow out.

I'd try and rent a bigger snake and run it from the clean out to the road. Any big trees over that line? They could have cracked it. Be careful with the bigger snake so you don't break the line.

But maybe it needs to be dug up and replaced.
It was a clogged vent. Got on the roof with the hose and small hand held snake. After the debris was removed I flushed the roof vent and the outside clean out for a few minutes.
Thanks for everyone’s advice.
Forgot to mention, sometimes if you think it's a vent, you can run water and leave the clean out open, that will vent the line and it will run fine, but as soon as you screw the clean out cap back on, it stops running..... sorry about that. Glad it was an easy fix....