It's Saturday Nov 23rd 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

I got to get to getting my chores done around here and cutting more firewood and finding a spare trailer tire for my kids toyhauler since they are going out to the desert for T-day
Watched my buddy's kid loose his final playoff game yesterday. 😞

Daughter and he boyfriend spent the night last night. We watched Gladiator, and we are gonna go watch Gladiator 2, in iMax, in a bit.

Probably go out to lunch afterwards. 👍🏼
Bored... got lots of product and doing inventory. Spending time with my 18 year old on her Thanksgiving break from college.
Got Christmas lights up today. Weather super nice and figured do it now, in case it turns.
Went into a Murdoch's today. Kinda like a Tractor Supply but they got shitons of guns and ammo. Whole aisle of mags too.
