Permit in Yuma?


Sep 4, 2021
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Anyone know where to get a permit along the 8 or in Yuma? Heading to the washes tomorrow from Tucson, I usually get one mailed to me in advance or have a buddy pick me up one but it didn't work out this year. The permit location map doesn't show anything other than coyne or some places in PHX, and I'm not sure the detour is worth saving $15. Thanks in advance for my lack of planning!
The only take cash, and close early and seem to open late....for a convenience store.

Don't buy gas there, or much of anything else....they are real proud of it. But, I've bought whips there before and they are cheaper than what you'd find at the dunes. They have other dune accessories also.
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Awesome, thanks guys! I thought I remembered a Chevron selling them but didn't see it on the locator. Have a great weekend everyone!
Unfortunately the locator is missing quite a few of the locations compared to their own list. None shown in the Yuma area and none in Vegas, despite there being a few in both.

Edit - turns out the map only shows 19 of the 93 vendors listed on their site
Do you have a link to the complete list?
Sidewinder Chevron also has the Non_Resident OHV tag. I haven't found anywhere in Yuma that has them and I've called the places on the list. The 2 places in Blythe didn't know what they were, even though they sold the ISDRA tag, and the place on the county line (Riverside-Imperial) didn't sell them either.
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