Zenith 32 NDIX Carb


Active member
May 9, 2021
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I stumbled on to a Zenith 32 NDIX carb.  I have searched high and low on the net and I can't find much on them....other than they used to be the hot set-up many moons ago.  But, I really can't find out if they will work by themselves, and if so, on what, and what sort of CFM they can digest.  I was hoping to use it on a 2.4 Nissan.

They used to be popular on offroad VW's, and they were stock on 404 Unimogs. I had one of those and they are great for not flooding at extreme angles or in rough terrain, and there is a cover on the outside that makes jet changes a snap. That being said, the 'Mog was a 2.1l 85hp engine and I'm thinking that one Zenith won't flow nearly enough for a modern 2.4l much higher power engine.

Ty for your guidance....according to Wiki, the Mog has 2 of em.

Therefore, the size doesnt match

Mine just had one, and so did my buddy's (I rebuilt the carbs on both of then, both mid-60's 404's). The picture is of the one I had. I sold it to a guy less than a mile away who still has it. Anyway, give it a try, could be it will work well for you!

